*sgt.buck walks up to you*
Good you're awake, looks like it's your lucky day JT, we were able to get you out if there and since we're brothers I was able to donate my blood to you. We're working on getting you a replacement for you leg right now. Battles not over though and we're cut off from the bridge.
1: brothers? I'm a god and brother to Cthulhu. You're part of the family? 2: where's the exit. And where's my goddamn revolver?!
*buck laughs and points to both the exit and your revolver* "1. Yes brothers technically speaking. You did posses my brothers body after all. 2. You can't leave, admirals orders, he's fighting and wants you to stay here until you're patched up. Me and zeta are here to make sure that happens."
To hell with mandalore. I've survived 3 wars, lost an arm, 10 friends, my wife, and had my entire left half of my face burned at 12
You forgot to mention died then possessed my brothers body sir
That too. I can survive more than a leg