Do you really want me to do that?
Why wouldn't I want to better understand you?
Do you even know how messed up my mind is?
Don't you think I care about everyone I talk to, no matter the state of their mind? Don't you think that, whatever you say, I will understand and reserve any judgements of you I may have?
How could I know that you do given that I just met you?
Do you know now that I have told you?
Could you refresh my memory?
[quote]Don't you think I care about everyone I talk to, no matter the state of their mind? Don't you think that, whatever you say, I will understand and reserve any judgments of you I may have?[/quote]
Why would you care about everyone you talk to though?
Don't I know what it is liked to be completely ignored and left alone? Don't I at least try to care about the people I meet and talk to?
Do you really know what it's like to left ignored and alone?
I do, but that doesn't make me an expert does it? Aren't I just saying I want to make people feel like someone cares? So, why don't you tell me what is floating around in that beautiful head of yours?
If I do tell you, how do I know someone else won't read it?
Would it make you more comfortable to pm me?
Doubtful; why would I want to tell you at all?
Edited by Phøtøn: 9/13/2015 7:29:22 PMDoesn't it feel good to get things off of your chest, so that they are not gnawing at your mind constantly? Obviously you don't have to tell me, aren't I just saying that I will listen if you wanted to?
I don't know, was that what you were saying?
Isn't that essentially what I was saying, just worded differently?
It could be, but could you tell me for sure if you think it is?
Regardless of the different interpretations, would you be satisfied if I told you what I have always meant to say is what I just said?
I could be, but what would you think if I said I wasn't?
Wouldn't I ask you how I could convince you?
Would you really want to?
Then wouldn't I just leave you alone and allow you to do what you wished, even though I would be sad we couldn't have had a longer conversation?