originally posted in:Dads of Destiny GMT
Hi folks, I was very active as a DoD gmt member up until April this year. Apologies, work and all else got in the way. plus Destiny burn out. First question, where do I access the wall for DoD gmt on this latest version of the app? That was always a handy way to chat. Just downloading the mammoth update now. Christ, 17 jigabops!!
Welcome back. Had the same thing myself - total burnout and have been gone for 2months, let's see how the TKK feels.
Welcome back DP. Real life comes first as always, so no need to apologize. Plus it's good to take a break from a game for some time and revisit it, it should feel like a new game to you with all the new changes and content coming with TTK :)
Welcome back. more the merrier
Welcome back. 2.0 has changed a lot!
Welcome back, mate. Missed you.
You should just click the envelope symbol, you'll get an option for private or group.