Hello Guardians! I apologize for the belated release of this chapter, but with the new update to bungie.net, it was really laggy for me. If you missed previous chapters, click this link -->: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/128755126/0/0
COLORxCAT65's Guardian is in this one, and be sure to check out her fanfic as well: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/120901495/0/0
[u]Chapter 9: [i] To Kill a Prime (part 1) [/i][/u]
An Exo leaned back in his chair, placing his hands behind his metal skull. Reading the computer screen in front of him, he scoffed, not believing the words that he saw.
"Who are they kidding Rex," he said to his Ghost, as it floated next to him, "A Prime, no way. The Devil's Prime is in Old Russia, isn't it?"
Rex, bobbed in the air, "Yes, Marcus, it is,"
"Then why are their sightings of a Prime in The Old United States?" The Exo asked.
"Perhaps it isn't the Devil's, but instead the King's, or mayb---"
"Maybe the Ash," Marcus finished. He exchanged looks with Rex and then looked back at the screens, "There's only one way to find out." he muttered as his metallic fingers danced across the keyboard and the screen of the computer.
The Exo compiled all of the documents, coordinates, and files that were related to the House of Ash into a small flash drive, which he then planted into his forearm. Once he had downloaded the data, he gave the flash drive to Rex, who transmatted it to wherever Ghosts keep their Guardians' things.
Marcus then shut down the computer and grabbed his helmet from the desk. He and Rex left the room and walked towards the empty Tower Hangar where his Phaeton Class jump-ship was waiting for him. In his ship were crates of ammo synthesis, weapons and, engrams. Along the interior hung a variety of Titan Marks, tools and, replacement body parts, in case he had trouble on his missions, though that was rare.
The Exo then sat in his pilot seat and started up the engines. The ship began to generate lift, and soon took off into the night sky.
"So...where exactly are we going," Rex asked.
Marcus glanced at his Ghost, "Well, first I need to find someone to help me search for this Prime."
"And who is this someone?" Rex inquired.
"An old friend," the Exo replied.
After a few minutes of silence, Marcus brought the ship down. He landed in a shallow lake at the base of a towering mountain, covered in vegetation. He put his helmet on and grabbed his trusty Hand Cannon, dubbed: The Devil You Know and strolled down the loading ramp out into the dawn-lit Wilderness. The Titan began to walk towards the mountain as his Ghost hovered behind him.
After many minutes of walking through the thick forest, Rex spoke up, "So...why does this old friend live all the way out here in Wales?" he asked
"Just does, likes it out here I guess," Marcus replied. "Makes her feel connected to her life before...before the Collapse. We should be arriving to her place soon, just a little further, but watch out for booby traps."
The Little Light looked down at the ground as they continued, and caught something ahead of them, "Marcus, look out!" he warned, but it was too late. As soon as Marcus stepped on a dry twig, he was flung into the air, suspended by his ankle and dropping is gun.
"Agh! Quick Rex, give me my knife!" the Exo commanded
"You left it in the ship!"
"Aw dammit." Marcus mumbled.
Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and the two fell silent. The snapping of twigs and the crumple of leaves could be heard coming closer, and Marcus looked towards the noise as Rex began trying to laser the rope that held up his Guardian. Then, the sounds stopped, and a voice called out.
It was a female voice, "Are you a Guardian?" it asked.
"Yes," Marcus replied, his mechanic voice confirming that he was an Exo.
"What's your name? State your business," the voice called out again as Rex severed the rope, freeing Marcus who landed on the ground with a thump.
Standing up, Marcus holstered his hand cannon. He began walking cautiously in the direction of the voice just as it asked again. Reaching a particular tree, Marcus peeked his head around it, pulling it back quickly though as a bullet whizzed by it.
"Whoa whoa, Elain calm down, it's me, Marcus!" The familiar robotic voice said, assuring the Defender's assumptions.
Marcus slowly stepped out from behind the tree, hands raised in the air. “Elain, it’s me, Marcus-3, remember?” He said as he took his helmet off.
The female Titan was unmoving, her reaction unseen due to her helmet, “Oh…I see,” she said as she walked past him, “come on, follow me.”
The Exo followed behind closely. Before too long, Elain was leading him into her home, a massive cave carved into the mountain. The entrance was hidden well by bushes and small trees, but Elain just pushed them out of the way easily.
Marcus looked around the cave, “Nice place you have here, Elain.” He said, complimenting her decorations and organization.
Elain nodded, “Thanks it’s been in the making for quite awhile now, come, sit down.” She gestured to a chair pulled away from its table.
The Exo walked over to the chair and pulled closer to the table before sitting down. Rex, appeared in front of him, but he pushed him aside, as Elain also sat down, taking her helmet off and grabbing a canteen.
“What are you doing here, Marcus, “she began, “You know I won’t go back so why-“
Marcus held up a hand to stop her, “I’m not here for them, I’m here for something greater. I’ve been reading reports of a Prime Servitor that has been seen in the Old States, I believe that it’s the Prime of the House of Ash,” Elain perked up at that, “and I want to kill it.”
Elain stared at her friend in shock, “You want to kill a Prime, and not just any one but the Prime of the House of Ash?” Marcus nodded; his blue LED eyes didn’t blink.
“I don’t know Marcus,” Elain sighed, moving her hair out of her face. Marcus noticed that her face was paler than usual and that she had a fresh scar; he reached out to touch it. “What are you—“
“Shh,” he said softly, “How did you get this?” he asked, pulling his gauntleted hand away.
Taken aback, Elain stuttered, “I-I got it from a mission, a few days ago, when I was killing Fallen.” She groaned and doubled over, her thoughts reminding her of her cracked ribs.
The Exo leaned over and grabbed her shoulder, “What happened to you, Elain?” he asked sternly, “Hold still let me scan—“
Elain regained her strength, "Don't even think about---did you just scan me?"
"I did."
“Dammit Marcus,” she sighed, “I know it looks bad, but I’m fine, really.”
Marcus gave her a concerned look, “Elain, you have two cracked ribs and a partially collapsed lung, you are not fine.”
The Defender sighed, shaking her head. “I can’t.”
“You will.” The Striker replied, “I’ll take you to the Tower myself. When they fix you up, I’ll bring you back here, and be on my way.”
She rolled her eyes, “Fine. “
The Exo nodded and stood. Walking over to his friend, he held out his hand. She took it and got up, following Marcus outside the cave. Marcus then told Rex to bring the ship over to where they were. The Ghost complied and soon teleported them inside his Guardian’s ship.
“Back to the Tower?” Rex asked.
Marcus nodded, and his Ghost sped the ship through the early morning skies
Chapter 10: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/138069482
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