Titans get work done, yo. We killed Crota, now it's Oryx's turn.
Thanks for the backup, Warlocks and Hunters, but we've got it from here.
[u][b]OBLIGATORY EDIT:[/b][/u] My fellow Guardians, please remain calm! This isn't about superiority, or classism, or "master races"! This is simply a post to archive history! Our Titan brother killed Crota, son of Oryx! This is cause for celebration!
[u][b]To my fellow Titans:[/b][/u] Do not use this as an excuse to sneer at our fellow Guardians! We all fight as one, for the sake of the Light, to save our city and our people!
[u][b]To my Warlock brethren:[/b][/u] This is no insult to you! Without your mastery of the Light, we could not have stood against the Darkness for as long as we have! We Titans have long held the line whilst you wrought chaos and destruction down upon the heads of our enemies! You are our brothers and sisters in arms, and we could not push back against the Darkness without you!
[u][b]To the Hunters: [/b][/u] ...who let you back in the house?
Get me the spray bottle. I'll get these hunters back outside.
I went Invis and came in behind the warlocks dresses
Titan run in like a beast dies, warlock be like I got him, makes it halfway self reses they dies in the cut scene, hunter casually walks up invis reses both and finishes the job
*knockd on the door* im still outside
But what about that body in front the temple of Crota on the moon?
Titans killed crota..... Really? If I remember correctly they were the most useless... They drop a bubble. That's it. Hunters dropped crota and warlocks had and still have self res
OP is fgt.
As a warlock I'm ok with this.
People like you severely piss me off.
Hunters know the truth
Edited by Punished: 9/13/2015 2:34:27 AMYes you know those silly edits aren't going to stop these idiots from fighting over which class is the best.
Monster Hunter - old
So in the real life-style commercial, the titan sopposedly did it all by himself but gathering data on crota kills will show hunters are in the lead and most importantly, we all know what would have happened during the game version trailer of the titan charging at crota with his shield still up....oversoul, we would have to have shot at the oversoul.
Id like to see a bungie spread sheet of all Crota killing blows, by class. Im willing to bet that hunters would be in excess of eighty percent. :P
Go Titans! But commercials don't establish cannon.
Soooooooo much salt from the hunters on this thread.
Lol okay have fun getting one-shot by that giant sword.
No one let us back into the house. We come and go as we please. You just never see us.
I will wait for the hunters to spill they're salt about how they "think" they are better than Titans and warlocks then I will laugh at them.
Titan runs in with hammer Oryx slaps him back down to earth Warlock runs up to tickle him with electricity gets sliced in half Hunter jumps up to tether him with bow and...........succeeds?
I feel like Bungie was obligated to make a trailer featuring a titan actually doing something cool. lol