Ok, the new guy sounds like C-3PO to me. I never thought I would actually prefer the former Ghost voice, but yeah.
For me NO ONE should have been the Ghost voice other than Jen Taylor. If you don't know who that is, then you don't belong here.
But, a friend of mine offered this little gem (see pic). I have a hard time disagreeing with him on this one.
Who would you have picked?
Jarvis from iron man
Samuel L Jackson. /drops mic
Stephen Hawking
Edited by Reckless Grizzly: 9/10/2015 10:25:04 AMI don't think its much of a voice actor problem but a "ghost companion problem", telling the story with questionable lines and with zero chemistry between the guardian and his ghost. In Halo, Master Chief had a good relation/chemistry with his AI Cortona, Destiny missed the mark completely with their story teller.
Kevin Conroy
Mark Meer, CMD Shepard from mass effect with the autotune ghost effect. Would have enraged my space boner
Edited by TeKnoVKNG23: 9/10/2015 3:23:52 AMPeter Cullen (Optimus Prime for those that don't know) Honorable mention to the guy who voiced Jarvis in the Iron Man films and/or the lady who voiced Glados(game) and the Gypsy Danger AI in Pacific Rim.
JP from grandmas boy.
Lol bro... He is c3po it's the same guy lmfao
Edited by Sorana3: 9/10/2015 3:22:47 AMPaul Bettany [spoiler]Hello JARVIS... Or Vision.[/spoiler]
Christopher walken lol
Snoop Dogg/Lion
A 10 year old boy.... Oh wait
Samuel Jackson
Peter griffin
The new ghost sounds like a guy who has something up inside his ass that he cant get out. The new voice on the ghost sucks.
Whoever plays j.ar.v.i.s in the iron man movies that would have been pretty cool
Macho man randy savage " we've awoken the hive ooooh yeah!!!"
Arnold hands down. We could be hearing...get to the hive, do it, do it now!!!
I think Samuel L Jackson would've been pretty awesome
343 guilty spark... Or sergeant Johnson....
Morgan freeman. Please morgan freeman ghost,lul me to sleep < 3
peter dinklage
Christopher walken ftw...or dinklebot cuz he's a badass