originally posted in:PS4 Gamers Australia
to my veteran players the raid is drawing closer i want to run a veteran team through the first few times so we can come familiar with it before we bring not so experienced raiders through. please add your name in comments so i can see whos keen to begin it with me . also be aware that i will be running around 9pm every night after my kids are in bed os i have no distractions . so if u keen for late raids and your 1 of my more experienced raiding players add your name in the comment below thanks guys and good hunting .P>S this msg is for both clans (tko) and (gfl)
join ps4 gamers australia for raids and more
I'm in
jB00K2717 PSN
Join ps4 gamers australia for any feed back
Year 1 Guardian Xbox One
EliteE51 XBone
Got it about a month after it came out but I've done everything without being carried hopefully I can still get the digital download on Friday when I get payed 4 days after it comes out
After a little break I'm back for TTK, can't wait, probably be on most nights
I'm a day 58 vet
I'll be running with my clan but I will also be looking for extra runs. Very experienced raider :) day one all raids
Im in
Mate you know I'm keen to raid.
I'm in, can't wait to get into a new raid.
Edited by Panopticon: 9/7/2015 9:01:55 AMMate, i literally posted this an one person replied lmao, im down bro. Will you be doing soon as its released? Because thats what im lookin for. (In neither clan but im Aussie)
I'm ready for this, I get off work at 9pm EST though, not sure what time zone you are in and PS4
Ready for this on the ps4, I have some 20 odd completions for both raids and need an exp team to finish kings fall
You know I'm always good for a Raid Manic.
Yeah I'm in especially after 9:00 when my boys should be in bed.
I'm in but I can't jump on till after 10 or 11 cos of work but I am always keen
JaileyBones is my PSN. I'm keen to run this raid and complete it with a great team