I pre-ordered the digital edition, so I will be playing Destiny the moment TTK drops. I want to experience everything as soon as possible. Anyone else doing the same?
Im gunna play it 2 mins after cause I will be making a coffee first lol aha
Sadly not me
Meh I'll play it when I get around to it, I've got a life outside this game.
I'm taking 2 days off work to play it. I'm so excited! :) PS I'm 42 and a dad to four kids...
Any ideas what time it will be released?
Red bull and pixie sticks
I'm taking the day off of work
I have to wait until Xmas sadly
Most girls use hunter because it's easier to turn their cape around to the front to use as an apron in the kitchen.
It's at 9 at night on the 14th my time soo fok yea
It's at 10am, so why not.
Most likely.
Can't school :*(
Right here I will definitely be staying up all night. I've never done that with a game But now
I would but I have damn school
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I would, but sadly I'm on the PS4. "[i]But why does that matter?[/i]" you may be asking. Two things: 1. TTK will be a frigging massive download, so most people will have to let it download while they're at work/school, etc. 2. The bigger issue here is that PSN tends to crap out at the launch of major online titles. Remember Battlefield 4? GTA Online? Mark my words, we won't all get to play on the 15th. -
Edited by blades of honor: 9/7/2015 11:37:00 PMIf i'm up by 5 to get ready
No one will because of the last minute updates that roll out every DLC.
I'm off work the Tuesday and Wednesday (actual medical reasons) so I will be on as it starts.
Il try if im awake.
Its odd, on my account it says TTK and the Suros pack will download at 9:48 PM on Sept 14th Does that mean It will be playable at midnight?
No idea what time it's going live... If it's 12 midnight or anywhere around that time, my friends and i will play it in the next day.
I have school so...
Yes, obviously the story though mate