Bungie. WTF. (Console exclusivity) The Taken King Expansion.
Throughout the years, games have been supported by a race between Sony and Microsoft. Such support has led to either Xbox or Playstation being left out when it comes content. Examples come in the form of Batman games having "exclusive missions" or COD games getting content a month earlier. the most horrendous example is Bungie's exclusive content. Bungie released the best selling new game ever in Destiny. In the process they alienated (probably) the biggest audience when the decided to make exclusive content. I'm frustrated that content I'm paying for as an Xbone owners is being hidden behind a wall for A WHOLE YEAR. I bought a Ghost edition of Bungie's game. That's $150 bucks. Yet I feel like I was better off throwing half that money in the trash. Not only was I left out of some "epic" story, I was being subtly screwed over by a deal I didn't know would extend so far. Strikes, MP maps, Weapons, armor sets. It's enough that I have to play through the same short list of strikes over and over again to get strange coins, should additional strikes be left out? Did I not pay you the same money? For Bungie to extend this type of deal into the Taken King is a big middle finger to all of its xbox supporters. You want $40 for only a PART of an expansion. WTF? I'd be fine with waiting a whole month to play your expansion AS A WHOLE, but to be given Pieces of your expansion for the same price I feel laid out to dry. I don't know why I love your game...Hell I still support it because I think the gameplay is so great. I just don't think I can continue supporting a game I know is taking something away from me. Bungie please re-evaluate your ethics for your xbox consumers. You will not find a customer in me if you continue this business strategy.
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