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Edited by Henryo: 11/19/2015 9:33:46 PM

Bungie, Here's How to Make the Shared World You Want

I have a couple of ideas on how to improve the shared world experience. Any other ideas would be appreciated in the comments. 1.) [b]Emotes = Communication Tools[/b] For each emote, give us the option to attach a custom line of text whenever that emote is used. For example, when I point, a "Look out!" or "Let's go over there!" would be nice. Or, when I sit, "Let's stay here." For dancing, a "Hooray!" and for waving, "Hey!" These are just examples, as people could enter whatever they want. This could cause problems, as many would spam or include words in their text that Bungie would not like in their rated T game. There is a way to fix this. First, put a limit to the amount of text you can enter. Second, limit the usage of certain words in the same way that you do here on the forums (except better; many have discovered loopholes on the forums). This is definitely possible, as Activision used a similar system for their MW2 clan-tags. What would this do? Teams could actually communicate in raids and strikes without using a mic. Some people don't want to pay for a mic, and I understand. For certain raids, people could make their text different than in crucible, with phrases like, "Oracle on the right!" or "Kill the Ogres!" Additionally, patrol would be more fun if people could casually press their "Follow me!" button, and gather a group of people to roam around with. Mics can be unreliable, with lapsing speech and bad connections, but the text would be as reliable as seeing someone dance in-game, and I don't think dances ever lag. 2.) [b]Enhanced Inspect Option[/b] I am doing a Vanguard Dragon strike, and a teammate leaves. We want a third teammate, and there is someone pretty high-leveled nearby doing some patrol. He should be able to [i]inspect my player, and request an invitation to my fireteam.[/i] This would bring up the typical "send message" function on console, and the player could explain why they want to join the fireteam. In my case here, the player would say, "Need some help?" or something like that. Then, an [i]in-game alert[/i] would show on my screen, and if I go to that alert via some button pressing, it will bring up the message. Then, I can inspect him or her, and invite them if I choose to do so. This option also dangerously promotes spam, but the solution is very simple. Limit the amount of times someone can request an invitation per minute, because by the time a minute has gone by, the somewhat empty fireteam would be blasting away on their sparrow. At some point in a strike or raid, the fireteam would disappear from the patrolling person's sights like usual, so the problem is solved. This allows people to actually share the worlds of patrols, strikes, and raids, like players should have been able to do from day one. People can be patrolling around Venus, observe that four people are rolling into the VoG, and ask one of them to join up. It's this kind of seamless experience that I believe Bungie wants, and something that Destiny needs. 3.)[b] In-Game, Endgame LFG[/b] Wait Bungie, don't dismiss this post yet! Your addition of kiosks into the game with Update 2.0 provides a very interesting, and social way of adding LFG into the game. Let's say I'm once again patrolling on Venus, and I arrive in the Vault of Glass area. Imprinted on a piece of Vex architecture nearby is a kiosk, with a large amount of Guardians huddled around it. When using this kiosk, I can simply add myself to a list of usernames. My listing would provide my level, class, and sublcass. For further inspection, I stick around, chat with some people using my new emote-texting feature, and, thanks to Bungie giving us the ability to show off whatever weapon we want come new update, make sure my Gjallarhorn is on my back for everyone to see. If fireteam leaders want to inspect further, they just use the standard inspect feature on me. From the kiosk, leaders would also have the ability to invite people on the list, instantly offering the console-specific invite to party/game option. And don't think you would have to patrol to get to the kiosk. Upon launching the raid manually, you are spawned in the kiosk area, and when your fireteam is ready, you go to the kiosk and click a convenient "Launch Raid" button, which reloads the surrounding area to place only your fireteam in a server. To prevent overcrowding of the kiosk, it would be pretty massive, and Guardians could walk through each other, preventing people from blocking others. For Trials of Osiris, the Lighthouse would be available to everyone who is in the top three character levels in the game, and the kiosk would be located there. However, only flawless winners could access the now closed-off area that contains loot. For high-level Prison of Elders, there is a kiosk near Variks in the Reef. For nightfall strikes, a kiosk would be near the Vanguard Quartermaster. If you have no problem finding a team for endgame, so be it. Full fireteams would not even have to go through the kiosk step, and five-person raid teams would just go up to the kiosk and click "Launch Raid" if they so desired. If this system is used, the shared world would be more immersive and fun than ever before. Players could seamlessly transition between activities, patrolling the Moon to find some pretty cool guys near the Crota kiosk. The Lighthouse could be populated, and everyone could watch as a returning flawless team opens the secret area and goes inside. This system would be absolutely incredible, even though it may demand more powerful servers. So that was a lot, but I feel like these three changes would make Destiny more like what Bungie wants it to be. Bungie calls this game a shared-world shooter, but until changes similar to these are made, few players will ever be sharing worlds together. Have ideas to improve this experience? Show me in the comments below, and I'll add them to this post if they're good. Thanks everyone. __________________________________________________________________ [b]SUGGESTED IDEAS[/b] Lost Sols says, [quote]Although when inspecting other Guardians, i think there should be a way to message people without having to do it through the console messaging.[/quote] This is a good point. It would add to the seamless experience to keep standard console functions out of the messaging system. Keep letting me know what the rest of you think! general12912 says, [quote]Or, the[y] could add a "requesting backup" signal, activated with your ghost. An icon could appear by the name tag, so everyone knows that person needs "reinforcements."[/quote] Yet another good idea that would improve Destiny. Thanks for your contributions everyone! Cutthroat expands on the above idea, [quote]An extension to general12912's idea, maybe the player requesting assistance could activate a beacon, making it easier for team members to locate the distress signal. There could even be a 'hot response' indicating to the distressed player that help is on it's way.[/quote] Keep the feedback coming!

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