Edited by DamagdHart64: 9/5/2015 10:16:43 PMI havnt played it today. I rarely hop on. Only when my friend wants to. Destiny was a real let down for me and things like ttk don't do it justice to me. Players who never got destiny till now will experience destiny as it should have been at launch. Those who have played and suffered and grinder till now, may have a little hard time feeling entirely fullfilled.
According to your game history you last played it on 05/09/15. Perhaps time zones are in effect, but that's today for me. I understand to a degree where you're coming from. I definitely think TTK seems more like what Destiny could have been from day 1, but I've had some really fun times with friends on this game and I plan to get the upcoming expansion. There are some glaring negatives in Destiny, but also some shining positives, and I certainly hope Bungie will continue to make improvements to make this game reach the excellent potential it has.
That's kinda creepy dude. I'm blocking you
Lol wuss.
Edited by Neph: 9/6/2015 12:29:39 AMI meant no offence, and I have no intention to stalk or harass you if that's what you think. I simply find it interesting to see how many people who claim to hate Destiny or think it should end as a series who have actually played it that very same day. The numbers are surprisingly high. As default, everyone's game history is publicly and easily accessible to others on Bungie.net. You could just as easily see the last game that I played. If you wish, there are privacy settings you can change to prevent this.
destiny is still shit
Stop playing it then. Nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you.
how come you didn't stalk my account?
If you want me to that badly, all you have to do is ask... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)