**I didnt post in recruitment because this isnt a recruiting thread, this is simply to help people struggling with endgame content for a variety of reasons, some are below.**
Hello guardians,
Myself along with many of my clan mates are all ready and willing to help fellow guardians in need. We have banded together and hold the clan flag proudly with the ever creative team name, Team Helping Hands. (disclaimer: i was being sarcastic, this isnt creative at all, and thats the point)
You, like ourselves, were there once:
- no one willing to help
-no one willing to take you through an endgame activity simply because you dont have experience
-people unwilling to wipe more than once before kicking you
- No ghorn? no problem!
Well i have news for you:
- we are willing to help (we love it!)
- It gives us great pleasure to have guardians experience endgame with players that just simply enjoy the experience
- we are willing to teach (for those that want to listen) about strategies and best ways to encounter endgame activities
We will help with everything, but some specifics below:
-PoE: (most need Skolas help, we can beat the whole 35 event in about an hour taking 1 new player through with 2 experienced players)
-VoG/CE (raids)- we can take 3 new players through each raid (paired up with 1 experienced player each, this is why 3 is max), takes 45 min (on hard modes)
-crucible (Iron Banner/Trials of Osiris)- a lot of our clan is PvE favorable, but a few of us (including me) enjoy crucible a lot, and would be happy to bring you through (time one these events vary)
-patrols/good times- we love this part, lets have some fun and get bounties done!!!!
Drop us a line, join our group, reply to this thread. Whatever works for you, we are always willing to help. The most we will ask for is that if we help you enough, and you start to become legend (see what i did there!) then try to return the favor. Those select few that do that will earn the right to wear the team name proudly under their gamertag in game!
in the words of the speaker, "Nothing is more important now!"
Please note: we are Xbox1 specific clan currently.
Edit 1: is this when I put the obligatory OMG 100 comments LOL
Edit 2: I believe we helped 6 guardians tonight, some with skolas and some with raids!!! We will do our best to help everyone!!!!
Edit 3: myself along with some of my clanmates have met some cool people while helping them through activities. This community is awesome! Happy Labor Day weekend to all!!!
Edit 4: we have helped 4 people get skolas for first time and 2 people beat crota. We are but skolased out right now. We will be taking requests for other game modes though.
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