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originally posted in: Game series that need to end?
9/4/2015 8:00:14 PM
Lol says the guy on the Xbox account. Way to label yourself a fanboy!

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  • Implying I care or that it's a bad thing If PlayStation had any good exclusives I would play PlayStation

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  • And Killzone, God of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Infamous, Ratchet and Clank, certain Metal Gear Solid games, Bloodbourne, No Man's Sky, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Everybody's Gone to The Rapture, Until Dawn, and The Last Guardian somehow don't outweigh Halo and Gears? Riight

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  • Why does it bother you so much I don't want to play on PlayStation? None of the games interest me I dont like the controller None of my friends play PlayStation

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  • Also, wouldn't one think that if all of PlayStations exclusive series' died, maybe they'd hire some actually creative and or talented studios to make some new IPs and the console more interesting? I'm trying to help you, dumb ps fanbots

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  • Edited by DUURJOB: 9/5/2015 4:04:27 PM
    They have plenty of creative shit. You're an xbox guy so you probably wanna do nothing in your games but run around shooting shit. That's what all xbox exclusives revolve around doesn't it? ie: halo, gears, titanfall, early cod access for years, etc. Maybe YOU need to actually creative with your shit first. [quote]I'm trying to help you, dumb ps fanbots[/quote] "help" you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means... Face it, you won't be helping anybody kid. If Metal Gear Solid 1 and 4, The Last of Us, and Uncharted are not creative then you need to check yourself into a mental hospital because you have no -blam!-ing brain How on earth does The Last of Us Uncharted Infamous Killzone Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 4 God of War Horizon: Zero Dawn Bloodbourne Everybody's Gone to The Rapture Until Dawn and The Last Guardian NOT outweigh Halo Gears ...Forza? Yeah. You're totally "helping"...

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  • You're a clown if you think Xbox only has 2 exclusives Also, you're a dumb troll if you're really [b][u]this offended that I don't want to play on PlayStation Why does this bother you?[/u][/b]

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  • I never said it only had 2 exclusives. Just 2 memorable ones

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  • Still, why does it bother you that I don't want to play PlayStation? Read my other posts, I've given PS a chance its just not for me You react to my posts as if I have some authority to end these series or that if I started playing them I would see that they are amazing or something along those lines Trust me, I have played them They aren't for me I just don't like PlayStation, people in this thread say they think series that I like should end So what? It's not for them Apples and oranges. Now please leave me alone troll

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  • You said you played the Last of Us. That's all you said. Infamous is an open world superhero game! How is that not interesting? Killzone has some of the best multiplayer teamwork and strategy on a console EVER, Uncharted has some of the best characters, best "Indiana Jones" esque storylines, some of the best voice acting, graphics, gameplay, etc. God of War is just -blam!-ing epic with MASSIVE boss fights with one of the most iconic game characters, I could go on

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  • Edited by Spooky Spoods: 9/5/2015 8:24:05 PM
    [quote]You said you played the Last of Us. That's all you said. Infamous is an open world superhero game! How is that not interesting? Killzone has some of the best multiplayer teamwork and strategy on a console EVER, Uncharted has some of the best characters, best "Indiana Jones" esque storylines, some of the best voice acting, graphics, gameplay, etc. God of War is just -blam!-ing epic with MASSIVE boss fights with one of the most iconic game characters, I could go on[/quote] So what? I've played infamous, I've played killzone, I actually hated killzone because you could tap L2 and it would snap the crosshair to the enemies head and people would just tap L2R2 at the same time constantly getting cheap headshots. Infamous, God of war, uncharted, they're single player games I don't care about. I want to play with my friends, I've never watched Indiana Jones because I thought that shit was lame, SO WHAT. [b]THESE GAMES JUST AREN'T FOR ME LEAVE ME ALONE TROLL YOU ARE HONESTLY WORSE THAN SOMEONE TRYING TO PUSH THEIR RELIGION ON ME. GO AWAY.[/b] You are giving a bad name to PS fanboys everywhere. LOOK WHAT YOUR KIND IS DOING, PS FANBOYS. STOP TRYING TO SHOVE YOUR DISCS DOWN MY THROAT

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  • Edited by DUURJOB: 9/5/2015 8:43:02 PM
    [quote]So what? I've played infamous, I've played killzone, I actually hated killzone because you could tap L2 and it would snap the crosshair to the enemies head and people would just tap L2R2 at the same time constantly getting cheap headshots.[/quote] That is a straight up lie. Killzone has had either no aim assist or hardly any at all. You're getting mixed up with cod [quote]Infamous, God of war, uncharted, they're single player games I don't care about.[/quote] Then why the -blam!- are you pretending you know every -blam!-ing thing about them? GTFO kid. YOU'RE the embarassment for xbox [quote] I've never watched Indiana Jones because I thought that shit was lame, SO WHAT[/quote] DING DING DING!!! THE UNCULTURED 12 YEAR OLD HAS REVEALED HIMSELF

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  • I'm done You're a flaming hipster and I'm muting you You have convinced me all PlayStation fanboys are cancer GG good day

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  • Adios trolll

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  • It is a bad thing.

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