Let's exclude the obvious Call of Duty, Assassins Creed or any yearly series. I'll start, Halo, Gears of War, and Forza.
Edit: Read below and find the people upset.
Edit 2: Calling me a Playstation fanboy makes you look retarded FYI
Edit 3: It has just hit me a majority of people commenting must have needed a helmet to cross the street when they were younger.
Edit 4: My Gamertag is "Ukimoi", as always stay mad people.
Better question. After which installment should a series end ? 2nd, 3rd 4th? How high a number are people comfortable with today? Some games been around since I was a kid. Giants like street fighter and mortal kombat. I wouldn't say I want to be a buzzkill. If that's someone's favorite game, I'd feel f[b]u[/b]cked up to say I want to take it away from them just cause I think it should end honestly.
Halo is dying. And dying fast.
As much as I enjoyed the better games of the series, unless it can redeem itself in the next year or so: Sonic
Edited by PizzaMan725: 9/4/2015 7:11:09 PMLately it just seems all we're getting are another bump in a game we've been playing for a few years now. I'm not upset with all of them as I can be happy about some titles coming out because I want to play them, star ocean 5 for example, but it wouldn't hurt to have a new series to play as well.
Most games should be a trilogy at most IMO after that they're milking it. Hopefully Gears 4 is good then it could have a nice legacy.
Final fantasy.
Gears should make 4 but no more after plz god let it be good so gears ends on a high note. Oh and halo die already reach had my fav multiplayer and 3 had best story and 343 won't change that so die already. I'll buy 5 tho just for hope plus I loved bungee halo
AC for sure. CoD yup. But to be honest any franchise over 3 titles needs to go. We need some damn original games. I'm so tired of recycled garbage. Ever wonder how destiny is so popular? Sure it's good but ground breaking? There is nothing new out there. Destiny offered that.
Edited by Tu Chocolate Caliente: 9/4/2015 5:34:10 PMEvolve since apparently take-two wants to keep making more games from that IP.
Edited by Doctor Electric: 9/4/2015 5:10:39 PMHalo, should've quit while it was ahead. CoD also, it's gotten to the point where anyone could easily diagram how it's going to turn out Oh, and Borderlands, it's a shoot n' loot that justifies its existence with small bits of story. (I don't care if Handsome Jack is a cool villain, it's apparent to me that he hates anyone that breathes and owns a diamond horse)
You pretty much covered the main 4. But I'd add battlefield, or at least push them back to 2142. That being said, why Forza? Sure it's not the best, but there are only what, 3 racing games of any quality? (Gran Turismo, Need For Speed, and Forza) It's nice to get behind cars you couldn't otherwise afford. Now if they only did Horizon and got rid of Motorsport I'd definitely agree.
Final Fantasy.
None. There's games I hate but I don't them dead. Why Forza? It's the only good racing game on current gen.