[b][u]Episode 6b: Quantum Leap[/u][/b]
The fighting slowed to a halt as Toland, Dredgen, and Kabr all stared at the construct, which began to crackle with even more power than before.
The construct began to crack, and light began to shine through the rock. The construct burst, ripping a hole in the fabric of reality, leaving nothing but the void.
Dredgen stared. "What. Is. That?"
"A hole into another dimension, another time. Atheon has freed the Chronovore, Qodron." Kabr's voice resonated with happiness, laced with concern. He was finally in control of his body again.
"Good to have you back to normal Kabr." Toland nodded to his friend. "Now we should probably deal with this monstrosity."
From the hole emerged an immense Vex Gate Lord, surrounded by dark energy. Qodron had arrived.
"I am Qodron." the Chronovore surveyed the three, and spoke in a voice they could barely understand, booming with a metallic echo. "I can see each of your futures, and they are mine to choose for you."
He stared at Toland. "The song still beckons to you, will you answer it's call? Or will you choose your own path?"
Toland's voice was hard. "I choose my own path, the song of death, neither yours or the deathsinger, neither of them has hold on me."
He turned to Kabr. "Atheon was unwise to let you go free, and while he may believe your roll is complete, you still have your uses to me."
Kabr laughed abruptly, surprising Qodron. "I would rather die then have my fate chosen by the Vex again!"
Finally, he turned to Dredgen. "Your future... very interesting, everything about you is subject to change! You're tale will be rewritten, and you will no longer be a lone wolf, but the leader of the pack."
Dredgen looked confused. "Well, that doesn't sound like utter nonsense if I have ever heard any." he said sarcastically, then turned to his friends. "What do you say we destroy him?"
"Sounds like a good plan to me." a swirling sphere of void energy began to appear in Toland's hands.
Kabr picked up his shield, grinning. "I like that plan as well. Have a good feeling about the outcome."
"Very well!" Qodron's voice boomed. "Reject your fates, and face certain death!"
They charged.
Qodron was a very challenging opponent. At first, it appeared the combined force of Toland's Nova Bomb and Kabr's Aegis blast was enough to stop him, but the Chronovore shrugged it off like it was a minor inconvenience.
Dredgen hurtled towards Qodron, electricity arcing off of his body, and Kabr felt a sense of repetition. His eyes widened. "Dredgen, look out!"
Thinking quickly, he threw his shield as Qodron slowed down time around Dredgen, who flew towards Qodron like how Praedyth flew towards Atheon. His shield collided with Qodron's arm as he brought it down towards Dredgen, knocking it off course and bringing Dredgen back to normal speed.
Dredgen cut and stabbed at Qodron with the ferocity of a rabid dog. Scars began to form all over Qodron's body as Dredgen nearly tore the Chronovore to pieces.
"By my calculations, you should have died three minutes ago." Qodron's weapon flashed as he lobbed bolt after bolt of void energy at the three Guardians. "Unfortunately, that is all the time you will get."
They hurled everything they had left, every molecule of power in their reserves, every ounce of strength remaining in their bodies, they threw it all at Qodron. And he absorbed it all.
"Foolish Guardians!" Qodron waved his arm, and the three were surrounded by Stasis fields, imprisoning each of them, containing their powers. They tried to break free, but they were to exhausted.
"Nothing can stop the Vex!" the Chronovore raised its arm, preparing to release all the energy he had just absorbed to obliterate the three trapped Guardians.
The blast hit Qodron square centre, the force of it fracturing the stone structures of the Timekeeper. Qodron wobbled, weakened by the by the blast, toppled over.
"What just happened?" Kabr asked, confused.
Toland pointed at the Goliath Tank. It's hatch opened, and Aru'un popped out. "Not all of the Cabal are so crazy." Toland smiled.
"Is Qodron destroyed?" Dredgen kicked at the pile of metal. It didn't budge, and Dredgen bruised his foot. He cursed in anger.
"Not at all." They jumped as Variks appeared behind them, startling them. "He is merely, deactivated." he turned to face them.
"I told you we would meet again on one side of the bars or the other, it seems that we are on the same side, for now." Variks smiled, a mysterious twinkle in his eyes. "I'll be taking these two prisoners now."
"Two prisoners?" Toland was confused.
"Qodron, and the son of the Cabal Emperor." he looked at them. "You do realize we cannot let him go free?"
"You do realize my father will have Trau'ug hunt you down to the edge of existence?" Aru'un blustered.
"I'm counting on it." Variks smiled, then turned towards Fireteam X. "You have done a great service to the Reef."
Dredgen shrugged. "Nothing that isn't in our job descriptions."
"I want to thank you two for showing mercy and sparing me." Aru'un spoke of Toland and Dredgen, appreciation evident in his voice. "I look forward to facing you in battle, in an honorable fight."
"Same." Toland said. Dredgen nodded in agreement.
"Oh, and Hunter?" Dredgen turned to Variks, who peered at him suspiciously. "Qodron's words... seek me out if you want to learn their meaning, yes?" And with that he disappeared, taking Aru'un and Qodron with him.
"What could he have meant by that?" Kabr thought aloud.
End of Book 5.
Chapter 6, Part 1: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/151239529/0/0
Book 6: (book 6 will be posted after The Lost Arts, which starts with the Taken King.)
Table of Contents: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/114713352/0/0
[quote](Before you all get up in arms about me ending on a cliffhanger, I didn't, trust me, that was not a cliffhanger. Fireteam X is taking a little break, and no, it's not because i'm stumped, it's because I'm going to start this new year of Destiny with a brand new series set in the same universe as Fireteam X, a little prequel to the Taken King, the size of your average Fireteam X book. The finale to Fireteam X will follow shortly afterwards, and I sincerely hope you all enjoy The Lost Arts! See you on September 15!)[/quote]
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