What if I told you you are the bee's knees, would that clear the air a little for you?
I don't know, does it clear any air?
When you ask if you are a cool person, and at least one person says you are, doesn't that tell you at least something?
Maybe it does, but what if another person comes along and tells me I am lame, would that make any change to the results of my question?
Are you an optimistic or pessimistic person? Do you like to focus on the compliments you are given, or the insults?
I am going to go with "I am a cool person". Your thoughts?
Haven't I already voiced my opinion on your awesomeness? Would you like me to repeat it for confirmation?
I read it, should we end this conversation?
Would you like to continue talking and have some fun, or do would you have more fun if we stopped?
I think I'll end the conversation, see you around the forums, yessss?
Give the guardians cigarettes YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSS? [spoiler]Absolutely, see you around :)[/spoiler]