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9/1/2015 8:50:04 PM

Crucible Suggestions for Quitting Mid-Match

I think we've all seen the following situation: you're a few minutes into a good match, you've gained the upper hand, and suddenly other members of the other team start quitting. This is unfortunate and impacts gamer experience negatively in a few ways. Quitting a match is unfair to members of the trailing team who remain, as they have less chance of winning and greater chance of being outnumbered while replacement players are fed into the match. Replacement team members are at a disadvantage entering the match because opposing team members may already have super or may already have kill streaks. And finally, seeing your opponents quit takes away the sense of a fair and well-earned victory - you know the losing team was at a disadvantage and it's not as satisfying. Before proceeding any further let me clarify that these remarks are ONLY intended for players who intentionally leave a match by entering the menu and holding Y to return to orbit - these have nothing to do with players who are disconnected or who disconnect - as such activity is ambiguous, while returning to orbit is fairly unambiguous and intentional. I'd like to propose an Honor System for the Crucible to help encourage staying through a match and decreasing quitting mid-match. There are a few different ways such a system could be implemented, but most revolve around some kind of penalization for quitting. Here are a few suggestions that attempt to balance incentives with reasonability: Option 1: Reputation Penalty Since a player is quitting a match, they are literally fleeing the field of battle and could incur a penalty to Crucible Reputation. Minus 100 points per instance might be reasonable. That's about the same value as completing a bounty, so fleeing the scene of battle should incur about the same penalty. The penalty could apply to Crucible Rep, or to Faction Rep if you are wearing a Faction Marker. Option 2: Shadow of Retreat Some kind of honor debuff that applies to the user account for a set period of time following a "return to orbit" from the Crucible. Call it "Shadow of Retreat," or "Sign of Retreat," or something similar. The effect could be to prevent Crucible Reputation gains or Crucible Faction Reputation Gains until a period of time has elapsed or a set of conditions has been met. One option would be to prevent reputation gain across the account (for Crucible only) until the player finished a complete crucible match. Another option would be to prevent reputation gain for 30 minutes real-time following a player leaving from orbit. If the player is simply rage-quitting, then this dis-incentivizes them from leaving and immediately rejoining a different match-making session. If the player has to legitimately leave and address real-life issues, then it's likely 30 minutes will be more than ample for the debuff to expire. Option 3: Sign of Valor On the other hand, if players remain in a team after players quit and continue to play against a team of greater numbers, they could be rewarded with a short reputation buff for being good players. This could be a 10% reputation bonus for the next match. I hesitate to recommend this option at first because let's be real, someone somewhere would find a way to game the system and earn these unfairly. Final Thoughts: My personally favorite option is option 1, because a straight penalty is simple and clear. It lets players know there is a penalty for running away, and provides a reasonable reason for staying in a match despite losing. If there are players who repeatedly leave matches, such as multiple times in one day, they could then be faced with Option 2, the Sign of Retreat.

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  • I also think option 1 gives players reason to pause before quitting. Option 2 would be good if Bungie had a method of checking how the player left the match. The game should be able to tell the difference between holding Y to go to orbit and a disconnect. However, people may decide to yank their network connection to simulate a disconnect. I think this would be too much trouble because they would have to log back in to Live and then back into Destiny. Slapping the orbiters with a Mark of Shame for 30 minutes, or until they complete a match or three, appeals to me.

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