Agreed, very good points made.
And to that, I also still don't understand why others who swear up and down that Destiny is an MMO continue to say that in other such online games the old stuff is consistently being left behind. Because NOT every MMO is like that.
Mabinogi for example. That game has been out for YEARS and is still going strong. And yet, some of the highest levels in the game can be seen using normal Longswords, some of the first weapons ever in the game. The reason is because that stuff remains relevant no matter how many expansions we've seen put out for the game. Why? Because instead of doing this nonsense where they just keep putting out a slew of new and powerful weapons, they instead release NEW TYPES of weapons and new Talents for players to further customize themselves.
Each new expansion sees a whole new paradigm added to the game. Originally there was just the basics, Warrior, Archer, Mage and Healer.
But now we have things like Fighters, Gunslingers, Alchemists, Puppet Masters, Lancers, etc.
Destiny needs to "EVOLVE" and innovate. Not stick to the same formula by continuously looking to recycle old content.
Edited by Goosa: 9/1/2015 2:51:19 PMHaha it's true. and the MMO-ers are very passionate that it's that certain type of MMO. Personally any MMO I've dabbled in had a scale of content to start with that comparing them to Destiny is like like comparing Fallout 3 or 4 to Fallout Shelter. But you know that passion we all feel to define what Destiny is w/o being able to come to a conclusion shows an issue inherent to Destiny. Bungie needs to clearly communicate what kind of game they want to make! Haha If I read on the box: [i]A loot driven FPS with the crappy MMO style paywalls and gear deterioration without the social aspects or matchmaking, updated quarterly to re-roll available gear expanding the game insignificantly and measured by Year not disc release, and modes that lock you out of content you've paid for so you can't try for the loot your being driven by this week but don't worry, we'll never directly communicate anything. [/i] I would've put it back on the shelf and said, "Nah, I'm not looking for a FPS Drama."
Yeah, really.