So I had been considering doing something like this before.
I've continued pushing this point and no matter what the trolls say, I'm not stopping and neither should anyone else who feels the same way.
Kackis on Year 1 Legendaries:
Kackis on Year 1 Exotics:
There is just simply NO REASON for them not to continue onward going forward. It shouldn't be a decision that is FORCED on anyone. It shouldn't be all about having the new stuff compete with the old but rather designing new innovative weapons that will compliment and go along with what is already available. There is NOTHING WRONG with having MORE OPTIONS AND VARIETY. It adds that level of diversity which the game has been desperately needing since the start.
[b]LOOK.[/b] If you are going to design the game around a Loot Driven Experience where the primary reason for people to play the game is to go around grinding for weapons and armor (Vendors/Raids/Iron Banner/POE/etc.) and then a year later decide AGAINST allowing them to continue bringing those things into the newer content? Then you effectively RUIN that first year's worth of experience and make everyone feel as though their time and hard work has been [b]UTTERLY POINTLESS.[/b]
Did people have fun playing with others and make friends? Yes. However, its important to remember that [b]YOU CAN GET THAT EXPERIENCE IN ANY ONLINE GAME[/b]. It is by no means exclusive to Destiny in the least and the ONLY reason the vast majority of folks did it at all in this game was for the common goal of getting desired loot.
Am I wrong? If every player in the game had instant access to every Legendary and Exotic in the game, how many do you think would have honestly spent as much time as they did in the game?
And like I have explained so many times before, telling us that Year 1 Weapons/Armor will still have a place in Year 1 Content means NOTHING. How many people do you really think did Vault of Glass over and over again JUST to get a Fatebringer for the sole purpose of spending the next 10 years using it to keep redoing VOG? No, of course not. They got it like the rest of their weapons so that they could bring everything WITH THEM on their 10 year adventure. That's why people WANTED increased Vault Space because many are collectors or specialists who enjoy having an expansive arsenal at their disposal.
And our Year 1 accomplishments aren't found in some emblem or a black shader, but in the weapons and armor that we quested for.
As the saying goes; "Become Legend."
Our Legend is directly tied to our gear and that includes Year 1, Year 2, 3, 4 and all the way up for as long as Destiny lives. Take that away and what are we?
If I wanted a game where I consistently reset my progress all the time, I'd just play Call of Duty with their lame ass Prestige nonsense. Don't we want MORE from Destiny than some cheap COD knockoff?
With all that said, I encourage anyone who feels the same or who has posts talking about the same to add #infusionforall to their threads. I've already marked my relevant posts with the new tag. I chose this simply because lets face it, the new Infusion System that Bungie revealed in their first Twitch stream totally just SCREAMS Year 1 Gear Ascension. I honestly believe that allowing players the option to use ANY Legendary to Infuse with another Legendary to boost its damage/defense rating (Regardless of them being from Year 1 or Year 2), is the PERFECT answer to resolve this problem.
Same goes for the Exotics too, because even though we've seen what was written in Edge? You're going to be making NEW "Year 2 Versions" of those Year 1 Exotics. They won't be the exact same, meaning its going to be either hit or miss with folks. By all means, I totally advocate the concept making Year 2 Versions of all current Exotics, but players should still be given the option to keep upgrading the original versions as well.
That is why I say [b]#INFUSION FOR ALL[/b]...
This is an important issue that deserves attention until something is done about it. [i]Truth[/i].
God Bless.
[b]EDIT: Add the #infusionforall tag to your post and add it to the listing![/b]
[b]EDIT #2: Guys, "Power Creep" honestly isn't that big of a problem. Don't be so quick to jump to this conclusion, its not as if Bungie themselves have given this as an answer. At this point its just others in the community speculating and in all seriousness its an easy fix. [/b]
They shouldn't ascend legendaries because the ones from activities such as VoG were borderline overpowered. If people were just gonna keep doing VoG once they figure out if the New Raids stuff isn't as good, then all of bungie's work on the DLC will be ruined. Nobody has praised more than one weapon from either PoE or CE, while all but one of the weapons (Atheon's epilogue) in VoG are praised
I agree wholeheartedly and that it should be OUR choice what we want to do with our gear. Stop forcing us to play the game your way bungie.
Agreed. Bump. I still bought (3) Felwinter's Lie Shotguns because they rock Crucible on any given day. I cancelled TTK PreOrder after Bungie had their 3 strikes with me: 1) No ascension of legendary / exotics. 2) Weapon balancing 2.0 (nerf fest 2015) 3) Bad treatment of Year One veterans. +4) Nerfing Gjallarhorn's Wolfpack Rounds. The idiots blew it. But opened my eyes to other alternatives. So I thank them for helping me throw my money at the screen towards something that deserves it. Thank. You. Bungie.
Agreed. Bump. I still bought (3) Felwinter's Lie Shotguns because they rock Crucible on any given day. I cancelled TTK PreOrder after Bungie had their 3 strikes with me: 1) No ascension of legendary / exotics. 2) Weapon balancing 2.0 (nerf fest 2015) 3) Bad treatment of Year One veterans. +4) Nerfing Gjallarhorn's Wolfpack Rounds. The idiots blew it. But opened my eyes to other alternatives. So I thank them for helping me throw my money at the screen towards something that deserves it. Thank. You. Bungie.
I hear what you're saying and disagree. This is why we need to leave the old gear behind:
Part of the reasoning for leaving old Legendary equipment (and some Exotics) behind is to create variety (we shouldn't all be using the same thing). However by removing the opportunity to bring the old forward, they have reduced the list of weapons and armour that are practical to use. We will therefore see many people using the same "OP/Latest go to guns" from the new list. If we had the choice of old or new (and the new ones are viable compared to old) then we will get variety as some stick with old favorites and some move to the new. By banning the old they only raise concerns that the new weapons will be like HoW (do more base damage but are worse in almost every other way).
[b]The Sources of Power Creep[/b] I can actually see both sides of the coin here. As new expansions or updates are released, new game mechanics, units, equipment and/or effects are introduced, usually stronger than previously existing content. Game developers use this to push the new content, as it gives an incentive to buy it for competitions against other players or as new challenges for the single player experience. As new content with more power is introduced, the average power-level within the game rises, making it increasingly difficult for older content to remain in balance without changes. This means older content becomes regressively outdated or relatively underpowered, effectively rendering it useless from a competitive or challenge-seeking viewpoint. In extreme cases whole parts of the game will be avoided by the players, as they are overshadowed by newer content. So the question becomes. How will Destiny prevent large portions of the game from becoming outdated or irrelevant due to the power creep that is occurring in the taken king? But to combat Power Creep we must understand its nature. [b]The Origins of Power Creep[/b] Some power creep is inevitable because expansions are meant to be played with the previously released content. In many games, especially video game RPGs, the content of expansions generally raises the level cap and introduces more powerful items to the game. The majority of the expansion is "tall," where your character and items become more powerful. There are also some new things, like extra abilities, new trees, or new areas to explore, but they is there to house the new more powerful items. The upside is that it is easy to direct your players on why they should experience the new content (MORE POWER!), the downside is that many of the items they may have spent days or weeks attempting to get are quickly outmoded by the more powerful equipment. On the other hand, some games tend to expand its content "wide." That is, the focus is on giving you new and different things to do that are of around the same power level of the previous content. Looking at a format like the house of wolves, you can see items from just every expansion seeing play. That load-out you liked a year ago? There is a reasonable chance that some or most of it is still playable competitively, even if it isn't top tier. Some items have, of course, held up against the test of time much better than others (fatebringer) and therein lies the problem with the second type of power creep. Some items game mechanics, units, equipment and/or effects are going to be strictly better than others. Thus regardless of the diverse options, gameplay becomes stale. The strongest set thus far has been the originally released game. You have G-horn, Vex, Ice Breaker, Suros and Fatebringer, just to name a few. In that sense, you could question just how much power creep could exist in the game. It wouldn't be fair to hold the first set ever up to today's rigorous standards in terms of balancing. Considering that before it there was nothing, I'd say the overall power level of the original set was pretty good, albeit a bit over powered. [b]Handling Power Creep[/b] If power creep to some extent is inevitable within Destiny as a whole, the question is not how to stop it totally, but how to best manage it to keep the game going strong, ad infinitum. By far, the most important thing that can be done is the creation of a Standard format. Any further attempt to keep up with the sheer power in regards to those all-powerful items would led us to a game totally unlike what we have today, if it still even existed. Trying to constantly push items in different directions only works if you are creating items of similar power levels to those you have made the year before. It doesn't matter how interesting the newest items are if it can't compete with DPS of a G-horn or the infinite ammo of an Icebreaker. Something had to be done for the overall health of the game. It appears that the concept of a rotating format has been introduced that only uses the most recent items and let rerelease "fixed" versions of many original items that had more appropriate power levels; trying to correct past mistakes. Of course, many of those fixed version are still at a higher power level than they may actually generate items today, but it was a step in the right direction. Creating a balanced Destiny is actually a pretty difficult job, and will likely take a few years for design and development to really hit their stride. Thank you reading my babble. Please comment below if you would like to continue the conversation. -Battlecry
Here's some logic: old weapons are overpowered. In order to design better bosses (not bullet sponges) some weapons need to go (Gally). I would also like challenge and variety in the game. Before you jump on "variety", using Gally, Blackhammer and fatebringer for everything is not variety. Yes, I do love the old guns but they have to go for the game to move forward.
Just move on!!! There will be new gear!!! Blah blah blah get over Fatebringer and your crutch guns!!! As they once said in Frozen, "Let it go!!!" What do I sound like??? Btw people that was sarcasm... [spoiler]Hah you thought I forgot didn't you??? *lifts hands up* Earth give me your energy!!! [b]SPIRIT BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!![/b][/spoiler]
At least the class items.. Why would I rock my Dustwalker or Song of the Light class items if they are at 170 light? I guess you could if all your other gear was above what activity you are doing...
BUMP for not ignoring what most guardians wish for! and for allowing us to play the game the way we want to play it! for god's sake...
I worked so damn hard to get Thorn. Let it go to year 2!
Not to mention the fact that infusion for all would incentivize those players sitting on the fence who are a hairs breath away from quitting the game altogether.
I think Bungie is afraid of power creep, and it's just easier to leave them behind than to tweak them. However, I didn't strike for forgotten hours grinding out marks and rep for gear just to leave it all behind. I did all that thinking I could carry it over throughout the life of the game. I thought, therefore, I'm wrong. #infusionforall
Absolutely AGREE!!!! TTK is my last time with Bungie if they don't.. PERIOD.. its plain stupid not allowing us to decide if we want to ascend or not.
"No because bringing old gear forward would ruin the game!" -Douchebags of 2014-2015
Edited by Lost Sols: 8/31/2015 2:33:15 PMAt the very least, we should be able to keep old weapon and armor skins. Luke said they struggle trying to find a way for us to "show we were there". Well if their not going to let us keep the gear, being able to rock the unique looks of each expansion would at least be something to signify that.
Edited by ToughGuy051: 9/1/2015 7:07:57 AMThis is what happens when you put in power creep when your weapons takes 10 hrs a pop to level. People get mad. Either keep the eheric light model or reduce time investment on weapons. Done. Edit: Im actually fine with getting new weapons and playing with new stuff. I just am fully aware what the iussue is and why people are upset. Hopefully Bungie does too.
Just stop. Things like fatebringer are inherently too strong and allowing it to be ascended to 365 was dumb of bungie. So stop trying to bring forward boring guns that are too strong to not use.
Edited by WoundedBdgr0317: 9/1/2015 6:59:03 AMAwesome post :) #infusionforall
I've said this more times than I can count. I've shouted it from the rooftops. It goes largely ignored: Bungie wants no competition with Year 2 gear. None. They don't want to give us a choice on the off chance that Year 2 gear sucks and we have the fall back option of ascending Year 1 gear. They want no competition. No competition means Year 2 gear can suck and it will still be more powerful than Year 1. It puts no burden on Bungie to make better gear, just more powerful gear which is as easy as adjusting code. If Year 2 gear sucks and if we were able to ascend Year 1 gear and if players went back to Year 1 gear then Bungie would look really bad and really stupid. It would make Bungie look impotent. They would seem unable to duplicate the success of Year 1 gear. Year 1 is being left behind because it was a paid beta. Year 1 gear is being left behind because Bungie doesn't want to appear impotent. A "1 Hit Wonder" of sorts. No competition means players will choose Year 2 gear simply because it's more powerful even if we think the gear, as a whole, sucks on ice.
Malphisto, I wanted to add some commentary to your post, but honestly, I think you have summed it up perfectly. I feel as strongly about this as you. Of all Destiny's faux pas', this is the worst (although no optional matchmaking is a very close second). I want to touch on something else that may have already been covered but I may not have heard about. If you have unupgraded year one gear, how will it progress when The Taken King comes out? Does the whole ugrade meathod change?