Black Ops 3 Paintshop will kill Destiny (Or, How Destiny Needs Player Created Content)
The title is a joke but bear with me. If you couldn't even make it this far in the post without replying about black ops 3 then I'm laughing hard because that's not what this thread is about.
This has been something I've been saying on comments for a while but it's about time I got around to putting it in its own thread.
Destiny needs player created content. In a game of this scope with this much of a gap period between dlc batches something needs keep players occupied besides the usual grind, something for players to fall back on when they're in orbit and dont really feel like doing anything.
The lack of player created content stunts player customization. My guardians are just a collection of armor and weapons and a shader and an emblem that I only had my hand in selecting, not crafting or forging my own design for my warriors of the light. When armor and weapons get left behind/frozen it hurts more than it would if I had a hand in designing other features of my characters that would survive such freezes no matter what.
Now what kind of content are we talking about? This happens every time I talk about destiny but we have to look at halo for a second.
Custom emblems really allowed some creativity in individuals and it also allowed for clans to form their own banners. I know a lot of people made pink gradients with a grenade on the end but that's something that can easily be fixed by a report feature to ensure the T rating.
Creating shaders/class items would also help greatly. Perhaps with the new collections for shaders we can take apart the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors of individual shaders and make our own.
Transmog is another thing that has been discussed. Take one item and give it the stats of another. Infusion sort of helps with that but with legendary armor freezes happening yet again it's time we start asking for it again so we can look how we want.
Bringing my title back into this: custom gun skins. It can be as simple as shaders or as complex as a full fledged paintshop.
Aesthetic content I think is something that is the most feasible for destiny 1. This other stuff is more along the lines of consideration for destiny 2 content:
Custom games/private crucible lobbies. It's a common request but it's one I'll add here. Add features like weapon restrictions and you can make a game mode where you can only use swords. Or you can add burns/modifiers to crucible games.
Forge mode. It's a long shot I know but you can do it. I believe in you guys. Vex architecture is basically the equivalent of the forerunner aesthetic from the Halo forges and it would make a good initial palate for a forge mode.
Custom weapons and armor. Naturally this should be limited to one legendary or exotic piece per character or account. If we could create our own full set of gear there'd be no point in getting drops. But having some kind of unique item that we have a hand in creating would be pretty neat. I've seen the idea of a custom exotic Khvostov where we go on different branching quest paths that result in different variations unique to our decisions.
These are just some basic ideas that have been thrown around. Feel free to add your own ideas of content you would like to be allowed customization features. Most of this may be in the community wish list but it's important to keep bringing it up so Bungie can see what we care about.
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