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Edited by Shiki: 6/3/2015 11:14:34 PM

Your most EMOTIONAL game scene?

Out of all the video games you've played, which individual scene from a game gave you the most emotional reaction of all? [b]Good or bad![/b] [b][u]Bad Emotional - The Last Of Us[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is a tough one, but i think for me it's when Joel's daughter (i think her name was Sarah) died at the beginning of the Last Of Us...i found that scene to be really heartbreaking.[/spoiler] [b][u]Good Emotional - Kingdom Hearts[/u][/b] [spoiler]I think it would be when Riku summoned his strength to hold back Ansem who was using his body and trying to kill Kairi. [i]"You won't use me for this!"[/i][/spoiler] [b][i]Edit: To help keep spoilers from ruining games for people let's use spoiler boxes. So from now on post the name of the game only, and then post the actual event in the spoiler section! :)[/i][/b]

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  • Persona 3 [spoiler]The protagonist[/spoiler] Persona 4 [spoiler]Nanako[/spoiler] Metal Gear Solid [spoiler]Sniper Wolf[/spoiler] Mass Effect 3 [spoiler]Before you go back to the Citadel in the ending and your love interest (Tali for me) doesn't want you to go when you tell them to leave[/spoiler]

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