I'm an ultra noob when it comes to pvp. I have over 600 hours and most weapons and raid gear, but today was my first time doing iron banner. I managed to get 2 of efrideet (spelling?), a timurs lash, as well as like 5 other legendary drops. My question is does anyone think we will be able to ascend our iron banner legendaries like ghelons and felwinter? I mean they're designed as pvp weapons, and I'd think it would only make sense that we would still be able to ascend those for future IB events. Just wondering if anyone has any insight.
Edited by ccSPiTFiRΞ: 8/27/2015 6:11:03 AMYou can go ahead & ascend them but they will not be effective enough in crucible events (after TTK) were level advantages are enabled (Iron Banner & Trails), but you can still have a blast in regular crucible (which won't need to be ascended). [spoiler]This is the last IB event before TTK[/spoiler]