I've seen Cozmo replying to a number of posts here, saying he'd pass the ideas along to the dev team. I'm curious to know several things about this process.
For instance, when you say you'll "pass it to the devs", how do you do this, and what level of influence would you say you have? Is there just some dropbox/email for you to pass these thoughts into, or are you directly able to talk it out with them, discussing how it might be made to fit (or compromise with) their existing plans? Beyond that, are you the only direct link between these forums and the dev team, or are you aware of any of them browsing these forums themselves to see what the community wants?
Secondly, how do you determine what you respond to and what you don't? I see countless threads go by without official responses, in spite of quality ideas as well as good presentation (IE, grammar). A lot of these threads even have the same beliefs stated in them - for instance, below me even now is a thread concerning Ascension in TTK to which Cozmo replied, while at the same time a petition with over 7000 posts asking for the same thing has no such comment to my knowledge. Why/how do you choose one over the other?
The core theme I want these questions to build toward is "How can I, as a mere forumgoer, be the most sure that my opinions are being heard by the team?" How can I improve my posts to make them easier for a community manager to catch, or more practical for the dev team to enact should they agree with me?
This is the best way to help bungie help us...INFORM! YOU be the judge... https://youtu.be/WsJQyhTLZDg [b][i]BOYCOTT BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION[/i][/b]