Problem: I want to use handcannons. I can't because they're bad and don't get the job done.
Solution: Buff handcannons.
New problem: Everyone uses handcannons, no diversity.
Bungie's Solution: Wipe the slate clean.
This is what we're facing.
I want a Crucible where everyone can use a large assortment of weapons.
We're currently all the same, Thorn, Black Hammer, Ice Breaker, Gjallarhorn.
These are our weapons, anyone not using these guns will be kicked.
How do we fix this?
Bungie: "Kill them"
Do I agree with that? No.
Is it our fault? We were the elitist, us as a community are to blame, no individual person.
Edited by xMANABURNERx: 8/25/2015 7:46:42 PMso whats your big solution huh? you gonna re-design their game? why even play if you have so much hate? NOOB - Tricks are for kids. like you
You seem confused now. I don't want to re-design their game, but we as a community can tell them if something is wrong. You can't tell me Thorn isn't broken. You can't tell me Final Round isn't broken. You can't tell me Gjallarhorn isn't broken. You can't tell me mechanics of this game are not broken. Evidence is everywhere.