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originally posted in: Wake Up And Smell The Easy Mode
Edited by Brokkr: 8/25/2015 6:55:53 AM
I think you guys dont realize how rediculous what you're asking is. You want all exotics to be carried over into the future. You want 20-30 new exotics with each major expansion. AND you want all those exotics to be perfectly balanced between one another for 10 years. From a development perspective that's f'ucking impossible without making all exotics incredibly boring and ineffective (aka hardlight). And you don't seem to understand what the problem with these guns are. Gjallarhorn isn't unbalanced because of a few tiny issues. Gjallarhorn is fundamentally over powered. Really it doesn't play too different than a normal tracking launcher in practice. The exotic perk says that this weapon does significantly more damage, it doesn't change that way it functions. You can't balance that with a few tweaks unless you make the damage bonus completely pointless.

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