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8/20/2015 8:01:47 PM

IFDC #4 - Exotic Sword Ideas

IheartOobs here, back with another bunch of random things to kick around for future Destiny content. This time, it's about the new heavy class that was revealed... swords. It hasn't been introduced for long, but I am sure I am not the only one out there that has already jumped to this idea. To preface this before I go off the rails, I don't think Bungie should make a lot of these swords in the game. However, adding just a few exotic ones in the future would be fun. The way I see it, they should continue in the vein that they revealed for the Taken King by giving exotic swords interchangeable perks (one for PvE and one for PvP). On top of that, they should be custom made for each class (Hunter, Warlock, and Titan should each have unique swords with matching abilities). Elemental shields can be added as well. [b]Exotic Hunter Sword - Needle of the Colossus (Rapier-style sword)[/b] PvP perk (Bladedancer) - Can be used during super to add a lunging attack after 2 quick Bladedancer strikes (a slightly farther BlinkStrike with your rapier during Bladedancer on every 3rd attack). PvE perk (Gunslinger/Nightstalker) - Strong Attacks cause you to spin and release a short/medium wave of Solar/Void energy that damages nearby units (like the solar/void version of Showstopper) and grant invisibility for 1 second for each heavy attack. [b]Exotic Warlock Sword - Yamamoto Twins (double kitanas)[/b] PvP perk (Stormcaller) - Held in hands during super, strong attacks can create a small arc bubble for a very short while that can reflect arc grenades and other arc supers in corresponding angles (about 1 second, like the Vault of Glass relic but around the warlock only, Bladedancer's Showstopper and Razor's Edge are reflected only, Striker's ground wave is reflected only, other Stormcaller's chain lightning is reflected). The animation shows the warlock clashing his swords together in an X pattern as the small bubble appears. PvE perk (Sunsinger/Voidwalker) - Strong attacks cause solar/void damage over time, and trigger life steal on direct hit kills. [b]Exotic Titan Sword - The Forgotten Son (giant bastard sword with chain attached)[/b] PvP perk (Sunbreaker) - Replaces hammer during super. Strong attacks cause the titan to throw the sword out like the Hookshot from the Zelda series. Titan is instantly pulled to targets that are directly hit, which then explode out the back like a tripmine causing a large cone of solar damage and leaving ashes and a solar wake on the floor similar to Aftermath. PvE perk (Defender/Striker) - First strong attack switches to the chain being held in hand, and subsequent strong attacks in the new stance swing the sword in a wide circle causing void/arc damage in pulsating rings inside the swing radius. As with the previous installments of IFDC, let me know what you think in the comments. Until next time, guardians!

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