after watching the twitch, which was full of welcome changes, I noticed and had to double back on this several times, that the year 1 Gjallahorn and Ice Breaker were not in the year 2 selection
my question's are:
will we be given a list of Exotic's that will be upgraded for year 2?
you say that 'our' favourite Exotics will be upgraded, how do you determine this since everyone has different opinions?
when dismantling Exotic's will we be given Legendary marks?
do old Legendries give marks when dismantled?
will year 1 Exotic's that are currently not being upgraded to year 2 eventually be upgraded and when?
that's all, anyone got more question regarding the gear?
Stargazer out
Bump for list of Yr 2 exotics
Edited by jeffreykthx: 8/28/2015 5:42:03 PM[quote]will we be given a list of Exotic's that will be upgraded for year 2?[/quote] According to Edge magazine, all of them (eventually). So far we know Suros, TLW, hawkmoon, truth, Monte Carlo, invective, 4th Horseman, and Thunderlord.There are about four others making the jump. [quote]you say that 'our' favourite Exotics will be upgraded, how do you determine this since everyone has different opinions?[/quote] Believe they were talking about "our" as in "us" as in Bungie. [quote]when dismantling Exotic's will we be given Legendary marks?[/quote] Exotic shards and weapon parts is a pretty safe guess. Legendaries give motes of light now, but dismantling an exotic does not. [quote]do old Legendries give marks when dismantled?[/quote] The standard has been you get parts from the era they came from. Dismantling Vanilla and DB legendaries gets you Ascendent Shards, HoW gets you Motes of Light. I would not expect to get Legendary Marks from any weapon not from TK. [quote]will year 1 Exotic's that are currently not being upgraded to year 2 eventually be upgraded and when?[/quote] According to Edge Magazine, yes, they will. When? idk Hope this helps. Skipped one question cause I have no idea of the answer.
Bump. I'd like that list too
Bump, need an answer to the exotic questions
Questions Questions bring so little answers..
what about etheric light and exotic shards, what do we do with those?
Edited by total_crap: 8/20/2015 11:54:21 AMfrom the first glimpse i fear it looks to me like the whole dark below exotic upgrade debacle. you have to have a suros regime acquired at least once, go to the blueprint terminal cough up glimmer and a exotic shard to get a new suros regime and level that one up again. the old suros you get to keep as long as you please with half the attack value of the new one. so i guess that one goes in the trash (at least you get your shard back, i hope). bummer not all exotics made the cut, so far. since they did not say anything about a upgrade of old exotics to new attack values and infusion only work's for year 2 gear, i am afraid year one exotics are only good for year one target practice and as a virtual door stopper... i hope they only forgot to mention the upgrade to year 2 attack values detail, i really do. best regards total_crap
Why can't Xbox 360 preorder yet?
Even simple is that question, year one exotics are not ascending in ttk?
Monster Hunter - old
I know the answer to one of those questions. Year one legendaries will not dismantle for marks. Luke smith answered this on twitter, but I am too tired to find the post and link it here right now.
It seemed like the year 2 were just re done versions with perk upgrades where as year ones would just upgrade via the regular process but that's just my opinion ^^
Bump. Would love to hear reasoning on this. I can't see any logic for taking some forward and not others (other than they have nothing better to replace them with).
Every new improvement they introduced us forces players to re grind . 125 or 150 marks is required to upgrade an exotic and you can store max 200. So to upgrade all your exotic arsenal ( weapons only ) i have to grind 4000 Marks. Are they really think the players will not realise these constant pattern changes. Did you guys also noticed that they are going to force us farm the upgrade materials once again just like original game ? Cricible QM doesn't sell Helium Spin metal etc.. anymore. Their method in Crota back fired and they lost a lot of guardians. Hope this will backfire and they will lost a lot of pre orders. So that they will be forced to learn a lesson.
I don't understand what's wrong with the "add a node to upgrade your atk to match the new cap" system. It was adored in HoW so why take a step in the WRONG direction back towards the Crota system. Does Bungie even pay attention or do they just scrap everything and deal with the fallout?
I'd love these question answered as well. I'd also like to know if not all will be available will they eventually be rolled out? I ask this because I'd like to carry over my newly acquired thorn, and various other exotics I didn't see.