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[b]Edit: Chapter 3[/b]
"Osiris, [i]the[/i] Sunsinger"
So in the original theory, I stated that it was all but proven that Osiris was a sunsinger. What I never thought about was the possibility that Osiris might have been [b]the[/b] Sunsinger. The first one. Let's take a look at the Osiris grimiore card, which is a message from Osiris' mentor (the Speaker) to Osiris himself. By this point Osiris has fled somewhere far away, which leads me to believe he has already killed the Iron Lords and the Speaker already knows about it. It's a long card, so I'll only be quoting the important stuff.
[quote]You were a mighty warrior. I watched you at Six Fronts, and heeded the call of Saint-14 to appoint you Vanguard Commander, even when the Concordat claimed to have records proving you were a Golden Age experiment mis-incarnated as a human by an inept Ghost[/quote]
From this, we know that Osiris was an awesome, awesome Guardian, but we already knew that from his induction into the Iron Lords' circle. We also know that Osiris may or may not have been eligible to be a Guardian, which would explain his defection.
The next part describes how the Speaker watched as Osiris grew bored of the combat and the learning sessions and how he would much rather struggle with the "big" problems- basically, a curious, young Osiris wanted to learn about the world and he could not. That's when the Speaker took Osiris as his personal apprentice, and it's also when Osiris started asking the dark questions-
[quote]How much of a Guardian's personality and memories were true? How much had been fabricated by their Ghost? Did Guardians share certain personality traits? Had the Traveler manufactured all of you as living weapons?[/quote]
Then Osiris started getting rebellious, launching unapproved expeditions, putting scarce ships in danger, and mostly, chasing the Nine, which approves my theory that he found them and killed the Iron Lords in allegiance with them.
At this point in the Grimiore, the Speaker starts to concentrate on Osiris's present.
[quote]Some [Ghosts] come back- with tales of [...] how you went seeking answers from the far reaches of space and time. That you founf a way to explore the Vex gate networks. [..............] I fear you have become obsessed with the Vex as Toland was with the Hive. I've heard your own insane prophecies about pits and dead Hive Kings.[/quote]
So this bit supports my theory in that the Lighthouse's secret room has Vex architecture and dead Vex in it, which would make sense if Osiris were there.
[quote]I hear stories of Lord Shaxx meeting with fireteams of Warlocks who have no shadow and never blink.[/quote]
There it is. The proof.
2. No shadow
3. Never blink
Those are all characteristics of the Sunsinger class. We know Osiris had followers from other Grimiore and that fact that one of them stands in the Reef and sells you Osiris gear. It would make sense for Osiris to learn these things from the Vex and teach them to other Warlocks who follow him. So Osiris was the first Sunsinger. Why? Did he get all that from the Vex, or other research?
I have no idea. Hopefully we'll find out from the grimiore when the Taken King comes out.