Who wants a nick name? I'll give you a cool one
And Tayumi please get the -blam!- out lol.
I replied to every comment, I don't know what's going on.
Edit: bbl
[quote]Who wants a nick name? I'll give you a cool one[/quote]Why not?
Plz be good
I'm game.
Pik me
Be gentle
*asks for thee glorious nickname*
Your nickname is Rainman
-asks for nickname
[b] [/b]
Sounds fun...
Monster Hunter - old
Me me
Can I have one?
I like Spyn tho
Me please
Edited by Calamitous: 8/20/2015 11:03:44 PMI have too many. [spoiler]My nicknames include- -teen wolf -freight train -Sasquatch -Hairyfrog fish -Tyrone (idek)[/spoiler]
Go ahead :)
Swiggity swickname I need a nickname
Try me.