This goes to Bungie, and of course you, the Community.
So, let me explain: in [Url=]Bungie's Weekly Update 01/22/15[/url] Bungie did tell us that when Xûr first sold Ice Breaker, he earned 19,436,440 coins from us. That were 1,143,320 Guardians buying one gun.
I will bet my Gjallarhorn(s) that Xûr [b]will earn [u]more[/u][/b] Strange Coins this weekend. If he does [b][u]NOT[/b][/u] earn more Strange Coins than when he first sold Ice Breaker, I [i]will delete [u]all[/u][/i] of my Gjallarhorns.
I do own two Gjallarhorns at the moment. One that I obtained this Wednesday after a Nightfall Strike (I was going to delete that one anyway), and one maxed out that I bought back when Xûr sold it on weekend two of Destiny. That one is a trusty friend of mine.
I will record the deletion of the Gjallarhorns of course, and share it here and on my Twitter ([url=]@SeraphimCrypto[/url]).
Upvote or bump this post if you want to, everyone can see it then.
Challenge accepted?
<3, Seraphim Crypto
I will delete my Gjallarhorns as soon as we get an actual number of how many Gjallarhorns have been sold. This [i]can[/i] take until the next Bungie Weekly Update. Furthermore, this means that I cannot buy a new Gjallarhorn after I've deleted mine, since Xûr will be long gone by then. At last, I will create a video for all of you via twitch and then put it on YouTube, where I will show you the inventory of every character, to assure you that I am going to delete [b]all[/b] Gjallarhorns that I do own.
Edited by Wii: 8/16/2015 9:21:02 AMWhy are you contributing to the delinquency of this forum and game? You're a mentor, act like one. Are you really that naive to make such ridiculous wager. I could understand something like this coming from a child. But a mentor??? Smh