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6/30/2015 3:22:50 PM

Fallen Lore

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  • The House of Kings: Primer A lethal blend of power and cunning, the Fallen House of Kings is both one of the most prominent and least understood of the Fallen Houses in the Solar System. Despite this obscurity, what is known about the Kings is that they are decisive, manipulative and driven, seeking one prize above all others; the Traveller. During the final days of the Collapse, the Fallen Houses arrived at Earth and began picking apart resistance and evacuation efforts. While little is known about this period, Grimoire suggests that the House of Devils was most active in these early assaults; the Sacking of London and the destruction of numerous Cosmodromes is attributed to the Devils. Despite this, the House of Kings was active during this period and already scheming. In their terror campaign, the House of Devils both revealed itself and metaphorically exposed its hand; the Kings chose to play theirs closer to their chests by taking out small, high-value targets. It is telling that nobody survived these raids to speak of the Kings until Guardians eventually encountered them years later. In the aftermath of the Collapse and throughout the Dark Age, the Devils began salvaging Golden Age ruins and destroying human barbarian camps they found. Soon, the two Houses came into conflict as the Kings, with superior intelligence, were able to locate more valuable loot and the Devils, drained by their battles with Humans, were unable to stop raids by the Kings stealing Devil supplies or preform their own on the Kings. Ultimately, all the Kings actions (both in securing objects of power and stealing from the Devils) was leading up to a planned seizure of the Traveller. As the Devil's ire began to trouble the Kings and jeopardise this planned recapture the Kell of Kings (who is unknown) bartered with the Devils over an agreement to attack a village under the Traveller. Although the Kings didn't expect a real fight, they intended to allow the Devils to be cannon fodder and to betray them at the last minute, which would have given them the opportunity to escape Earth with the Traveller. This became Six Fronts, where both Houses learned the power of the Light and of the City. Enraged and ashamed at their failure, the Kings convinced the Devils (who had already blamed the Kings for not committing enough troops) to convene an emergency meeting of the Houses to eliminate this new threat. Now wise to the strength of the enemy they faced, the Kings reconsidered and formulated another plan; while the Wolves and Devils (their main threats) staged a frontal assault the Kings and Winter would pin down the Guardians with wire rifle fire and artillery. Then, as the weakened Houses of Devils, Wolves and Winter stormed the City in hopes of a massacre, the Kings would retake the high ground from the now-dead Guardians and begin sniping all survivors (Human and Fallen) in the City before escaping with the Traveller before any of the Houses could fight back. This tactic would ultimately fail as the Wolves never arrived (having been scattered in the Reef by the Queen) leading to the frontal assault failing. Fortunately for the Kings, the timely arrival of a Cabal expeditionary force as the Guardians began a counter-attack allowed them time to flee; out of all the combatants at the Battle (of the Twilight Gap) it was the Kings who suffered the least number of casualties. Their strength intact but their pride shattered, the Kings began attacking the Devils in order to push them closer to the City, weakening both opponents, as they began waging a secret war with the Hive for control over the depths of the Last Cosmodrome, all the while preparing for another shot at the Traveller. When Yavek, a Baron in and an ambassador for the newly-reorganised House of Wolves, demanded an audience with the Kell of Kings at the behest of Skolas, the Kell of Kells, the Kings chose to send an assassination team headed by two of their own Barons; Paskin and Vekis. All three were killed, however, when Guardians breached the meeting, killing both the Wolves who thought they were guarding a democratic meeting and the Kings preparing to murder their counterparts. Throughout our contact with them, the Kings have only grown more powerful and each loss teaches them something new about their enemy. As well as this, the House of Kings are the only Fallen in the Solar System to still have their Kell, Archon and Prime Servitor alive. They are now one of two enemies (the other being the Hive) who are both close enough and strong enough to theoretically stage an attack on the City and should be considered highly dangerous, snd should be considered priority targets because of this.

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