Stop teabagging your mom and fight back oh are you working on your grimore (burn)
Just wait till my clan start on you (solar burn)
Lol no worries mate jog on
Is that the best u got u are no fun you have nothing (burn)
U have mad construction skills ha ha -blam!-ing hilarious u noob is that it? (Solar burn on yourself sorry buddy)
U got the burn so much that it was solar damage. U know that there is so much truth in what I say. Love ur grimore (burn) lol. Oh u sad man playing control and hanging back watching ur stats (burn). Yeah we all sat and thought cant wait to play PVP on destiny ha ha. The only shit u think you have is Pvp stats all the rest I rule ur ass. I only needed pvp for shitty weapons at mercury so ha u s.o.b ur the little pvp muppet on a string dancing to bungies tune (burn). So good yet u dont even have a clan or even a good grimore. I wish you would come up against my clan mates is pvp and you my son would be taught a lesson. U are inexperienced in the game as a whole and you should be ashamed of yourself for only , playing pvp. Man I never knew someone who shouts their mouth off so much about stats with ur sad grimore score shows ur lack of all round experience at destiny. Burn baby burn! (Big hug)
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:36:13 PM
After what u did to ur mom she never forgave am sure she will forgive only time will tell. Ur the one that started going on about pvp and bet u never even made it to mercury ha ha.
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:36:30 PM
Its also easy to get ur kd up when you dont even capture a zone in pvp u know ur doing it. Call of duty bro it calls your name.
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:34:28 PM
Man that was cold bro u mean man
Ur so mean dude thats harsh! I do my best to get on with people and u go and do that? Man no need buddy no need.
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:36:59 PM
I will be sending you a friend request to play rumble
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:36:46 PM
Mission accomplished. Why so abusive? I only disagreed with you and u attacked me. There was no need my brother why so much hate?
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:37:55 PM
So mean and cold im offended
Worked to get u burned lol.
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 6:38:20 PM
Edited by Dr. Bruh, PhD: 8/14/2015 6:50:46 PMWoah man , go easy on him! That's was pretty brutal . What did he ever do to you !?!
Edited by Asura: 8/14/2015 7:12:10 PMHowa li mamrabish walahi
[quote]Howa li mamrabish walahi[/quote] Tera ma dee pudi mate tera ma dee pudi
I never meant anyone who offends so much on here I am astonished and quite frankly appalled. I hope u find love just n your life brother. All I wanted was to have a decent conversation and debate and this guy lowered the tone. I forgive you bro its okey.