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8/14/2015 12:50:28 PM
Yea man. I have a ton of friends who havent gotten it that have been here since day 1. It's become a crusade for them. We all band up and run everything that drops exotics each week because we don't want to miss it when it drops for those guys. I even started a 2nd acct. jokingly told my friend I bet the new acct kgnast2 gets a gjally before you do. No doubt, it dropped the next day. Day 6 of its existence. The next time we played, I equip it and it took him a bit, the his response was something involving words inappropriate to repeat here. Needless to say, he got his gjally the next week at reset. I couldn't have been happier for him. There are so many others too. Xur/Gjally is a good thing. Bungie really did a "-blam!--you" job on the playerbase by not having this thing more readily RNG-able.

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