You waited.
You put tons of hours into the game or maybe you've just started.
You earned your Motes and Coins and still played for the coveted Gjallarhorn.
You put in as much time as so many others (or more in many cases) who already had it.
You rock.
Whether you got it in a drop, purchased it way back, or grabbed yours today, you god damn earned that weapon. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise you fantastic mess (yes, I'm talking to those of you who are crying).
Couple things to note though:
- Don't give people you don't know or trust access to your account to buy Gjallarhorn;
- It's properly pronounced "yallarhorn" but that won't change much (I had to say it though);
- Seriously, keep your private information to yourself, please;
- When you breakdown in tears, try not crying on your hardware. Water damage is a pain.
Stay classy, community.
Edit: DeeJ's Twitter (@DeeJ_BNG) is amazing right now. The best "facts" on Gjallarhorn can be found there. Do you have any Gjallarhorn "facts"?
I've heard that the Wolfpack Rounds are actually fuelled by the tears of those who have opened the Exotic chests and gotten materials.
Edit 2: Please play nice and be respectful to each other. No matter what, you earned your Gjallarhorn and anything else you got. No need to attack the other side. We're all Guardians here.
Edited by Mister-Zero-: 8/14/2015 3:04:48 PMApparently it's pronounced Gatt-le-hon, (or near enough). It's an Icelandic word, and it's discussed with an Icelander in an earliy Planet Destiny podcast. His pronounciation placed real emphasis on the 'GATT'. [b]EDIT: As WurstGulasch111 rightly points out, that's the very OLD way to pronounce it. By today's standards, Yjallarhorn is a better way.[/b]
I like this mentor.
Those tags though
I think I just found my favorite mentor
Can you imagine the havoc that's about to be unleashed in the co-operative pVe part of this game. Darkness burning bro, burning!
It should be 100 strange coins so noobs don't get it
Lol, yes!!!! Greatest thread ever.
Edited by yes: 8/14/2015 12:38:26 PM[b] [/b]
Bump. -blam!-ing bump.
Finally a logical post. And I love Deej's tweets right now
I'm super happy. My cousin logged on today and I said simply. "You earned it" over and over again. He looked at me so confused. I told him where Xur was, he was soo happy and saying Thank you BUNGIE THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
Bump just awesome. great post.
I can't believe how riled up people can get over a virtual weapon
I have looted myself 9 ghorns so all of you people that say you do everything every week to try to loot it, I'm just sitting back laughing at you. And why would you be pissed that xur is selling it?? Obviously you don't have one so you need to buy one for home. I'll scrap more ghorn than people can buy.
Where is he?
Finally!! Maybe these forums can have a break from all whining. I'm glad xur sold it
Stfu omg
Who cares? It'll be deeply nerfed anyway.
Edited by SaintSaul12: 8/14/2015 11:11:21 AMHaha - may be we should stock up a few more - in TTK uou may be required to dismantled gally to upgrade to better rocket launcher?
Wait, is one of those #'s named after the song raised bye wolves?
Finally after so many grinding with a bad team in raids and only having 1 main character I can finally do skolas :')
Thanks Man. People need to understand that they worked their heart out to get this weapon. They got coins for doing all the work. And now, that dream is true. Thanks to everyone at Bungie for making a great game. It's good to see everyone happy on the forums that they don't have to get kicked from raids for not having the Gjallarhorn. I give you, anyone at Bungie a thumbs up. I'd give you too but I typed this with 1 hand. (Broken Thumb)
Edited by Wolf: 8/14/2015 11:30:12 AMI hope bungie tells us how many SC are spent to but this creature. Im buying 3 so yeah