Congrats! RNG can be mean, I only got the God of War shader a few weeks ago! Don't let these salty people infect you. I got my 1st Gjallarhorn on Crota's End from the Deathsinger, when I was dead for that whole entire encounter.. I didn't "earn" it, your strange coins were earned so these salty guardians can keep quiet..
Thought I'd include a clip of Gjally action I had in crucible recently
*UPDATE* nice to see a lot of love from fellow Guardians but it's unfortunate that there's a large amount of Guardians that need to get checked out at the hospital for poisoning because of all the salt inside them..
Thought I'd share that I have 3 Gjallarhorns already, I got my second and third from nightfalls (a week apart funnily enough)
Don't listen to the salt about "it's gonna be nerfed so who cares" as they're only reducing the damage of the wolfpack rounds, and I don't see them reducing it by much, meaning it will still be a beast weapon, but we'll have to wait and see..
Elitists can cry extra salty tears today, they deserve to...
The best thing about him selling it is that it makes it really easy to mute all the -blam!-ing children on the forums
Edited by sizzlingmonkey99: 8/14/2015 2:34:38 PMAll the salty people should shut up i got mine from vog, but to all those who say you should earn it, you can get a gally killing a lvl 1 dreg on the patrol and dropping a heavy legendary engram, which is much easier than earning 17 strange coins, so im glad everyone can buy it
Finally a positive post, I've had a Gally since January. I'm happy everyone else can have one too! Let's have some fun and let the wolf packs fly!
I'm glad that everyone has the opportunity to get a ghorn, no matter whether it's from Xur or rng. [b][u]Rng can be a total pain the a$$[/u][/b]. If you grinded to get the strange coins then you deserve to buy whatever Xur offers and no one can say you did not earn it. Take care Guardians
I'm divided on this subject. The Grimoire behind Gjallarhorn tells us just how rare it should be. But it would be unfair if everyone didn't have the chance to get one. I have four myself, the first one I got out of a legendary engram the week after Xur first sold it (All who have been playing since the start know how incredibly amazing it is for that to even have happened). The second out of the Vault of Glass chest and the last two off of beating Crota. It is a wonderful weapon but past events do not bode well its future.
Edited by Sanctus Michael: 8/14/2015 10:28:11 AMBump mother f*cker, bump. You gotta be one of the intelligent ones. A few days ago the worst person (not just the team, the freaking match) on a crucible control game got the gally. This dude had a .2 kd. Getting the 17 coins took more work than that. Nothing in an rng based game is "earned" the way people make it sound. The only thing in an rng based method you have to do to "earn" it is play the f*cking game. I got my 1st gally from my first attempt at VoG normal mode back around Oct/Nov 2014, 2 from poe 28, and 2 from NF. It ain't like any of that was hard. Thank you, this post is the most intelligent "gally" post I've seen
If you need to own more than 1 of any gun, you're doing it wrong. With the Bungie app, loadouts, tower ghost etc Swapping weapons is easier than ever. [spoiler]tired of hearing the no more room in vault when players buy 3 gjallarhorns or 3 of anything[/spoiler]
Buy it. Use it. Enjoy it :)
Im happy everyone has it now. it will make the transition from Year 1 with Gally killing everything to Year 2 with out Gally being the most broken thing every, a lot easier
You rock Bobby! Thank you for the post, love it!!
I didn't have enough strange coins earlier Which pissed me off and at that point I Wanted to murder myself.It didn't help the Fact that my friends kept annoying me With that subject surely enough after killing atheon I get rewarded with The gjallerhorn Lots of screaming was heard thank you Rngesus
some of you guardians waited 30+ WEEKS... lol so surprise for me... it was gonna come sooner or later. that exotic heavy fusion rifle tho.
Glad people are going to chance to use this weapon while it's still in its prime. No salty feelings from me. Congrats to all who received their first Gjallarhorn today!
RNG hates me so bad that my TV won't turn on now. But congrats to all who bought the Gally, may it bring you the upper hand in all boss battles
you're an OG if you kept a gjallarhorn at 300.
I bought 2 Gjally this morning. Turned around and ran a 28 PoE and got a Gjally from the treasure chest. Definitely more proud of the one I got from the chest
but I eeaaaaaaarned mine! People are dumb. Happy Gjallarhorn day.
RNG can be mean, but I'm glad everybody has ghorn now....I already had 6 before he sold it, but I'm just glad there's joy for everybody
Now I look like a hipster. :( I bought it before it was cool to buy it from Xur.
bought one then sharded it AMA
Today xur sold gally i got revenant shader and i got the best roll u could have as a hunter today was great for me too
There are differences between, "earn", "xurn", and "deserve". And "get". If xurs prices were higher Id say it was 100% deserved. Oftentimes though, buying from Xur is more earned and, sometimes, more deserved, than from other sources. See "deserve". Earning something is like, doing x because you know you'll get y in return. And x must be = y in terms of value. Deserving is optimal. Examples of deserving are soloing atheon and Crota at the same time. You deserve a hefty reward. But that doesn't mean you'll get it for sure. Get it is self explanatory I hope. __________ Optimally, you'd get what you deserve. And applying this newfound knowledge, you can deserve GHorn from either performing a great feat in a mission or pvp, etc, or performing a worthy feat in the weekly, then purchasing it from Xur with your coins. And I'd like to add, practically the only thing you earn in destiny is strange coins. ___________________ So in an applied conclusion, those who Xurned, earned their coins. Those who bought Gjallarhorn with their coins deserved it on varying levels. So DeeJ is right of course.
I bought 6 because I could. That makes 7 cx
The wolf pack rounds are what do most of the damage. If you have every used a Gally without the wolf pack rounds it's the same as a regular rocket. The wolf pack rounds make the weapon. Sigh ... Enjoy your gjallarhorns for the next month because after that it will be crap.
Never fear we have plenty of buckets for all the tears. As for all others.enjoy it while it lasts And by all means share some buckets while you're at it