Congrats! RNG can be mean, I only got the God of War shader a few weeks ago! Don't let these salty people infect you. I got my 1st Gjallarhorn on Crota's End from the Deathsinger, when I was dead for that whole entire encounter.. I didn't "earn" it, your strange coins were earned so these salty guardians can keep quiet..
Thought I'd include a clip of Gjally action I had in crucible recently
*UPDATE* nice to see a lot of love from fellow Guardians but it's unfortunate that there's a large amount of Guardians that need to get checked out at the hospital for poisoning because of all the salt inside them..
Thought I'd share that I have 3 Gjallarhorns already, I got my second and third from nightfalls (a week apart funnily enough)
Don't listen to the salt about "it's gonna be nerfed so who cares" as they're only reducing the damage of the wolfpack rounds, and I don't see them reducing it by much, meaning it will still be a beast weapon, but we'll have to wait and see..
Elitists can cry extra salty tears today, they deserve to...
Gjallahorn won't be shit still best launcher on the game, one main reason he will be selling it is because alot of selfish shit players only want players in their fireteam who have a gjallahorn so now everyone can have one and not get excluded also the reason why it's getting nurfed, so if u want to blame someone blame the players, not bungie... Also I doubt gjallahorn is part of destiny's 10 year plan I'm sure there will be another must have exotic launcher.
I like the point blank gally shot on the dude around the corner. Overkill is a good thing :)
Agreed sir... Well said
Just means that when the nerf hits, it'll be massive... Congrats to all that didn't have it. Enjoy it while you can
I'm glad too. I've had one forever and have had to shard 7 of them. Now I won't feel bad doing it in a room of people who don't have one.
Edited by Kid Icarus: 8/14/2015 11:09:28 AMOP, that's a quality post and attitude. Thank You. I had two and friends of mine didn't have any, but who cares? Everyone has it now and it's still a bad ass weapon.
Edited by Tommy Thickles: 8/14/2015 10:46:23 AMI for one love that Bungie just trolled all the elitists. If they wanna quit, cool. Clean the gene pool, start from scratch. The Destiny Community is a wonderful place without the poison of trolls and elitists. EDIT: RNG has gifted me with 9 Ballerhorns prior to today. I'm still elated for everyone who hasn't been treated so kindly.
You make me smile. Got gally two days ago and I'm happy my friends won't hate me now. Lol. This day is great I've been playing "happy" in my head all day XD
Best post ever. Gally is good and hope everyone who gets it enjoy it. Happy g'horning to all the new ghorn club member. For me personally, I think this will save me time on LFG to explicitly state that I have a Ghorn :) saves a few click Have had my ghorn for 4 months now and love every bit of it :)
Now that Ghally has been sold for a second time, can Bungie remove it from the Nightfall loot table until TTK drops? At least that way I might get some great legendaries with more usable and versatile and re-rollable perks. I am tired of getting duplicate drops for that weapon.
Everyone who creates a Gjallarhorn thread is getting muted, no exceptions.
You are s role model good sir!
I've gotten 5 g-horns in my destiny career and shared two of them yesterday. At least everyone will get a chance to enjoy it's wolf pack rounds while their OP before they get nerfed right.
I got gally from last weeks nightfall. Rest of the fireteam was salty. I go don't worry, because I got it 100% Xur will sell it next week and here we are hahah
Agreed.......Tears are flowing and the Butt Hurt is at an all time high.......good for you Bungie, let all enjoy the G-Horn before the changes
Edited by ActionFatality: 8/14/2015 11:04:21 AMI've done the raids and the nightfall 50 times still no ghorn so I think I deserve one
I'm from all the way back to the beta and I didn't pick it up when he first sold it and I think it's about goddam time
Real Guardians work together and help each other out. I'm glad he's selling it. That's coming from someone who has had 3 maxed Gjallarhorns for months and has never rejected a fellow guardian for not having one.
Good post +1
Who cares he is only selling it because in a few weeks it's going to be shit anyway. It going to be just another exotic taking up space in your vault. I don't care one way or the other if he's selling it I have 5 of them. And I actually got to use mine for quite a while before they decided to turn it to crap. I hope all the people that were bitching about it are happy they can get one now it will be a big day for xur guaranteed
Thanks for your eDecency! Lol
I've been around since beta and never had gally drop for me so your post makes me feel good about this community again. Thank you
Thank you for being an actual decent member of the Destiny community. I don't think a lot of people would say that they didn't earn their Gjallarhorn, so good on ya. I proudly Xürned mine today after waiting almost a year and I'm not ashamed of it.
I for one am loving all the butt hurt kinderguardians having a cry. I got three purely through rng,never once made it a requirement to join.
I think everyone should experience the beast that is gjallarhorn. Got mine finally few weeks ago. Blew my mind to see its for sale.... im gettin 2 more from xur mwhahaha
Let's make a clan and call it the good ones since we all seem to have brains and some respect here