just give me what weapon type you want, if new and unique perks are allowed, and what enemy class they would be connected to.
I will give you my idea of a vex fusion rifle:
description: The vex needed a weapon able to combat the legendary pocket infinity. with the original designs stolen from them, they came up with this.
dmg: arc
CR: 12
impact: 92
range: 40
stability: 86
reload: 34
mag size: 12
first perk: mulligan
perk tree:
AP rounds
explosive rounds
second perk: imperfect infinity:
this weapon fires a second volley with each shot
well? what do you want me to make? remember, more powerful than normal legendary class guns, but less powerful than exotics.
Cabal sidearm
Vex Sniper?Prefferably high impact low fire rate.
Taken Sniper Rifle Please :D
Taken pulse rifle
Monster Hunter - old
Sound more like vex weapons than give weapons. -
Hive Heavy Fusion Rifle
A cabal rocket launcher, and vex or fallen auto rifle.
Swiggity swooty side arm
I will even do sidearms! if you want me to I'll even make a primary elemental raid exotic.