Who doesn't use a shotgun? You can take the high road and say you won't do that, but all you'll end up doing is padding other players kd.
When in Rome...
I bet anyone who says they don't use a shotgun to at least match other shotgunning players change their tune come IB.
You don't have to like shotguns, you can feel they're OP for pvp, but at some point you need to match firepower with firepower or you're hurting your teams chances at winning for your principles and just padding the opponents kd.
Also don't use shottys for ib or trials.
Edited by Sanctus Michael: 8/13/2015 8:27:44 PMUse whatever gets you the win. If not shotguns, that's fine. But in IB if you don't use shotguns because of principle and you cause your team to lose, that's not good either. If you don't use shotguns but rather something else and produce results, then go for it. Like I said, I couldn't care less about crucible. But in IB I'd want to be on a team where each team player is using whatever they do best with, principles aside
I don't use shotguns cause there noob cannons but I also have 6k kills with the sniper with almost 80% headshot ratio lol.
I don't use a shotgun ever.
I use secret handshake if I'm not using queen breakers bow, only in melee range never further
I'll tell you what, imo when it comes to IB, I expect the team I'm on to use whatever is necessary to get the win. I don't give a flying f*ck about the principles of using a gun that's OP at the time (thorn, tlw, red death, shotguns, etc), use whatever it takes to win, damn it. I get more rep for IB when the team wins. I'm cool with people having principles, but have them when it affects only them individually. Regular crucible, let the principles fly. IB... win God damn it.
TLW is basically all I use in IB its brutal but like shaxx says "the crucible is no place for mercy"
Edited by Sanctus Michael: 8/13/2015 8:01:54 PMThank you. I hope I can play with you next IB. I just want the win, I don't care how the team gets it. Lol
Yup I used thorn for a couple iron banners, yup to whoever wins!!
I'll tell you what, imo when it comes to IB, I expect the team I'm on to use whatever is necessary to get the win. I don't give a flying f*ck about the principles of using a gun that's OP at the time (thorne, tlw, red death, shotguns, etc), use whatever it takes to win, damn it. I get more rep for IB only when the team wins. I'm cool with people having principles, but have them when it affects only them. Regular crucible, let the principles fly. IB... win God damn it.
Lol that's the mindset I hate. "Everyone else does it, so I guess I'll do it too since I'm not good enough to aim a sniper." Honestly, I rarely use shotguns in PvP. I always have a sniper with me, and I succeed. I don't pad the enemies' KD. The only time I'd ever have a shotgun is while using NLB, which is somewhat frequent, since I love NLB. But other than that, I'd never use one, especially with something like TLW.
Well, when a person continuously blinks toward me with a shotgun... Do I just spray the sniper?
Primary, bud. Primary.
Got a mida not a last word bud.
I didn't use shotguns for the first 6 months or so. I can definitely tell you everyone eventually just says -blam!- it. Lol.
I HATED shotguns before HoW was released. I wish my kill record shows dates. I only started using shotguns since HoW. As I said... when in Rome... lol