And I screen capped it all for your viewing pleasure. He didn't believe me. Do to Bungie's policy of name shaming I had to block out his Psn.
Story of how his jimmies were rustled:
His jimmies were rustled because I was using the Vex for shits and giggles, as well as to complete a bounty in a Rumble. This guy is using a TLW and is winning predominantly. Halfway I completely my bounty and switch to TLW as well to play his game. I come from behind to win the match when he only needed one more kill. 2nd match I decided to use Hawkmoon. Anytime this guy close, he took a shotgun shell. I win the game with him as a final kill, with him trying to shotgun me and me putting him down with TLW. I tea bagged him for the hell of it, which ended being used as message for him ;) 3rd match I play his game and use nothing but TLW. I win again and he leaves the lobby. Then this hilarious conversation ensues with nothing but him raging and me laughing. At least he had some advice for Bungie in there.
Edit: Someone PM'd telling me to take it down. Foolish. [url=]Haha.[/url]
Edit 2: Ayyyy it's trending ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 3: Shout out to Mrs PP for getting my stats out there. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 4: [url=]Another PM[/url]
Edit 5: People really love to [url=]PM me[/url]
Edit 6: Most people replying are a bit...
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[spoiler]thanks Wolf Willowgrove for this[/spoiler]
That makes you look worse than him
Pfft you're worse then him. You really just posted hatemail from your psn. You need to go get some mud for your turtle
The fact that you use hand cannons more than him, saying "u mad bro", and misusing the lenny face is more funny.
Wow that wasn't funny at all. What it is is sad, because two people can be so overwhelmingly infantile and pathetic. OP slightly more so. It's like generic internet insults took a shit in your brain and now you are incapable of original thought.
I simply read the other players comments & decided to list this thread as a failure & you as a child.
You're a freaking idiot and I just feel sorry for your generation
Edited by Badshah Kazi: 8/14/2015 2:29:34 AMShow that scrub what it means to be a scrub! Get them nutz all over his face. Lol Edit: Mighty Joe is a salty fgt who sucks PP all day which has caused him to lose brain cells.
Who uses imgur? Imgur is life.
I had a ghally drop in a crucible game recently that I played particularly bad in (worse than usual maybe 0.6kdr) in control. Two seperate people messaged me to tell me to go -blam!- myself. And that I don't deserve it. I'm like bitch this ain't my first and trust me when I got my first from vog hard before I was level 30. I had def earned it.
Lol PMs wanted in on the drama
Edited by hogs94: 8/14/2015 1:38:12 AMWas waiting for the #satire tag but your k/d and characters were already so much of a joke
Edited by that zomby guy: 8/14/2015 1:40:13 AMOp only has 35k kills Edit ; 3 hunters :(
Edited by Wolf: 8/14/2015 1:38:33 AMI just loved that you had to add me in as the second pm. reported
People call me good for using something besides TLW or Thorn (which I hardly use as I prefer Red Death, The Messenger, or MIDA), I feel like you served him a taste of his own medicine.
Are you like 12? Tlw is broken but shotguns are waaaay worse, at least he uses your primary. And people are pming you specifically so they're not embarissing you but, to be fair you've already embarrassed yourself enough. And then you post the pm's to make yourself look cool? Or something?
Edited by ChaoticKilla517: 8/13/2015 8:14:29 PMHahaha! I got one of these one time from shot gunning a kid, it was cauldron didn't have much of a secondary choice, and I checked his account he had 3 times the shotgun kills and a fourth of the sniper kills as me. I called him out and he just blocked me as soon as I sent the message lol
OP is actually worse than the person who messaged him. He's just being childish and a total asshole.
- Op mains a shotgun and hand cannon Has nearly 30k kills combined with the 3 exotics Rest in peace op
Oh your the guy in green, I read it all thinking that the one in blue was op and I was agreeing with what he was saying and that the other guy was a childish -blam!-. Turns out you were the childish -blam!-
This gave me cancer....
Edited by KLouaroo: 8/14/2015 1:14:39 AMYou're responses seem a little childish. Would've been funnier if you did something more clever to make him rage at you rather than typing nonsense in caps. But good on you? I guess? I did find the PMs funny though :)
So good
Not trying to bash you or argue but ... you realize this makes you look just as bad (actually worse) than him and you're kinda shaming yourself, right?