originally posted in:Xx The Wolfpack xX PS4
Hey what's up peeps new to the clan feel free to add me, I'm down to help any way I can. I'm new to psn but I've been playing since day one on the Xbox so I'm experienced in raids nightfall etc. I'm currently trying to level up all my characters I've got a 32 hunter, 28 titan, and just stared a warlock yesterday. My psn is SuperSaiyan60ku hope to see ya In game peace.
If you are here likely you are a lone wolf, hunting in the wild alone and in search of others like you to complete your missions, raids, quests, iron banner, trials and most of all compete and have fun. Stop searching. The Wolfpack is looking for guardians just like you. Come hunt with our pack, we do not have any must haves on our site same for those light levels recommended by bungie. No raid experience, no problem, no whatever other silly elitist requirement, no worries you are welcome here. Leave the lfg sites for good. We are 600 members strong and growing fast. https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1151566 This is the ps4 clan however we support all consoles too. I told you we don't exclude.