Only because most was completed before it was even a thing and such a long time limit
Edited by Jin: 8/13/2015 3:16:41 AMIt can all be done in a week. Or even on a weekly basis. Public events will be longest
Yea the should have brought this out 1 week before TTK
Edited by Jin: 8/13/2015 3:24:32 AMIt was half ass. Needed to be way harder and needed alot more. Players with emblem are supposed to feel legendary. I'm pretty sure I'll see more players with triumph emblem than trials emblem.
Oh yea for sure trials should have been a part of it tho Maybe not flawless but 6 or 7 wins Woulda been a bit tougher but still not tough enough Its gotta be hard for bungie tho with haveing to appeal to all age groups
I've seen 13 year Olds go flawless. -find all 70+ dead ghost -complete all strikes without dying -complete a heroic strike with ought dying -visit the lighthouse on mercury at least once -best atheon and crota 10 times on hard each -complete an exotic bounty -decrypt 10 exotic engrams -reach lv 5 eris -reach lv 3 queen Adding these things would only be a start as the adverage player has most of this done already. True legends list. -Flawless raider -lighthouse at least 5 times -skolas killed 5 times -50 raid completions -500 patrol missions done -complete all exotic bounties -200 strikes completed -200-500 pvp matches completed -obtain lv 5 iron banner once Even this wouldn't be that hard for a player that "became legend"
That is pretty legendary tho. Would have been fun to do all that but maybe after oryx drops and all these changes happen we will see many more challenges to become legends