She complained that she was being underpaid. So the Vanguard replaced her with a computer terminal.
The Vanguard are heartless. You better watch your back Rahool.
[spoiler][url=]It is over Tess![/url][/spoiler]
Tess is just [b]⊂_ヽ \\ \ ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) < ⌒ヽ 2 / へ\ F / / \\ A レ ノ ヽ_つ B / / 4 / /| U ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (_//[/b]
Next it'll be Sweeperbot, poor old sweeperbot.
She's actually in training to be the new raid boss. We go back in to the Vault of Glass and we can go in with only one item in each slot. She then overloads our inventory with Chatterwhite shaders and then as a troll drops exotic engrams for us all while spawning in sweeper robots that shoo us away from the exotic engrams and towards the edge. If the whole fireteam does all of the weapons and armor you brought in are deleted and replaced by Chatterwhite shaders.
They caught her lag switching
10/10, great looking warlock
but cayde-6 is a col dude it was just Ikora and Zavala
Tower conspiracy!
*comes back super f*cking ripped and sells body enhancement drugs*
I used to repair frames in the tower until I was replaced by some girl who looked 16-17 and was smoking hot. dead orbit must of chose her to replace me because Arach hits on her like every day and he is like 75 WTF! I HAVE KIDS YOU KNOW!
The fact the computer terminal is ON THE INVENTORY screen while viewing her goods is both sad and hilarious at the same time. Never laughed at something so stupid. [spoiler]Also when telling a friend the terminal is next to "Eva" he said, without missing a beat, "Who?"[/spoiler]
What if [i]I'm[/i] replaced by a computer!
My Aeryn Sun! Frell!
Tess was worthless
Cozmo! what are you doing here?
Edited by Loyal Au Mort : 8/12/2015 12:52:01 AMI just spoke with Tess and all she had to say was:
They installed her ghost into the kiosk
All of the tower characters could be replaced with a terminal and it wouldn't change much, that's how critical the tower characters are. They all just stand in one spot and sell you stuff.
Rest in spaghetti never forgetti
To be honest, Tess can take Rahool's job. Maybe then our Engrams wouldn't be the same color as our feelings when we get them.
You want to know why she was "let go"? Because you touch yourself at night.
Monster Hunter - old
Has anybody noticed when you go check your gear, armor and stuff, there's a blank slot at the very end??? -
Eva levante is going to have to show us them titties or she'll get the boot
I was thinking the exact same thing basically. "They replaced the betch with an ATM"
The machines!! They took 'er jobs!