[spoiler]Link to part 1: [url][/url]
Link to part 2: [url][/url]
Link to part 3: [url][/url]
Link to part 4: [url][/url]
Link to part 5: [url][/url]
Link to part 6: [url][/url]
Link to part 7: [url][/url]
Link to part 8: [url][/url]
Link to part 9: [url][/url]
Link to part 10: [url][/url]
Link to part 11: [url][/url]
Link to part 12: [url][/url]
Link to part 13: [url][/url]
Link to part 14: [url][/url]
Link to part 15: [url][/url]
Link to part 16: [url][/url]
Link to part 17: [url][/url]
Link to part 18: [url][/url][/spoiler]
Alright, here's my next part of the story! I'm sorry I'm posting so late, but as school comes close to an end for me, I'll promise I'll post more, so just hang tight!
[u][b]Part 19- Awoken Encounter[/b][/u]
Saliks and Matthew pushed aside multiple piles of trash, disregarding what they might be throwing away, both of them focused on digging out the four-story tall Prime Servitor of the House of Winter. Matthew pushed aside one more heap of scrap metal, and the metal mountain of trash began to shake.
The Servitor began to move, slowly rolling forward. Saliks’ and Matthew’s eyes widened as they turned and began running down the mountain.
The Servitor rolled faster and faster, getting dangerously close on the two boys’ heels. As they neared the base of the mountain, just as dead servitor was about to crush them, they jumped out of the way, bracing themselves for the metal that was about to dig into their already bruised flesh.
Simiks Prime crashed to the junkyard floor, sounding like an atomic bomb at the peak of its detonation. Birds within a four mile radius fled at the loud sound of sixty tons of metal falling to a stone ground.
The Servitor appeared to be in bad condition. Large dents and scratches could be seen on its previously-shining exterior. Dirt and mud was plastered to its once-proud shell, and the purple glow from its eye had been long-faded. Despite all this, Matthew and Saliks looked upon it in awe. Suddenly, a beeping noise sounded from the wreckage, though it wasn’t that of a shank.
Soon, a small ball rose from the junk, looking like something a cross between a servitor and a ghost. Its eye suddenly came to life before saying,
“Fallen rogues. This is Petra Venj, emissary for the Queen of the Reef. State your intentions of using Kaliks Prime, or be hunted down by the forces of the Awoken. You have sixty seconds to reply.”
“The Queen of the Reef?” Matthew asked Saliks.
“She’s the Queen of all Awoken that reside on the edge of the darkness, as well as the Kell of the House of Wolves. You’d better think of something quick.” Saliks hissed at Matthew.
Matthew cleared his throat before speaking in his native language to the Awoken emissary.
“We are Matthew Lief and Saliks. We are from the House of Winter and we plan on using the servitor for the overthrowing of the House of Winter’s Kell.”
Moments passed before the small orb spoke again.
“Matthew is a human name, is it not? Take off your helmets, Vandals. That is an order.”
Matthew and Saliks both looked at each other before taking their helmets off, revealing Matthew’s human face, with green eyes and shaggy brown hair, and Saliks’ face, with his four mandibles and four beady black eyes. It felt like hours before the orb spoke again.
“We shall be watching the both of you. Any action you may take against the Reef will be an act of war, and shall be punished accordingly.” With that, the small orb shot off back into the piles of junk, unable to be seen.
“Well… That was something…” Saliks said, putting his helmet back on. Matthew followed in suite.
As they stared at the Servitor, it didn’t seem to do anything, even when they tried moving it and throwing things at it. Not even a single glow of the eye. After half an hour or so of attempts to turn it on Matthew had an idea.
“Why don’t turn it on from this inside?”
This time it was Saliks’ turn to look at Matthew as if he had gone insane.
“We don’t even know how servitors work. That’s always the job for the engineers, plus, disgracing a Prime like that is unthinkable.”
Matthew frowned, trying to think of ways to coax Saliks into helping him turn the Prime Servitor on.
“Would you rather revive a dead god, or leave it here, amongst the trash of this junkyard? It’s the only way we can turn it back on.” He said, putting up a reasonable argument.
“Well…” Saliks began before sighing, “I guess you’d be right.”
Matthew began to slowly cut through the think metal of the servitor’s back, opening a small enough gap just so that the two of them could get through. The first thing they encountered was tubes and wires. Thankfully, Matthew had managed to cut neither of those, so they simply pushed their way through.
They climbed along inside the giant purple orb, jumping from gear to gear and from machine to machine. Finally they reached they eye, which was one big machine in itself. Every wire, tube, and device seemed to be connected to this giant dead engine. The two of them marveled at the machine.
Suddenly, a whirring sound was made. Eight shanks with chassis they’ve never seen before appeared from behind the machine.
“These shanks are painted in the colors of the House of Wolves…” Saliks said. Analyzing them, “I think Skolas, the former Kell of Wolves, already found this place. He probably stationed these shanks here for him to come back to. Probably to try and take the House of Winter a decade ago.”
Matthew’ frowned, looking at the shanks curiously.
“Then why would they be here?”
“Probably to… keep… others… away.” Saliks said, the problem now dawning on him.
Two of the shanks seemed to have some kind of gun on the top of their chassis, while two others had bombs netted to them, and the last four had four guns on them instead of one. Those guns then began to fire.
A volley of arc energy soared at them, while the two tracer shanks charged their guns, and the last two charged at Saliks and Matthew. The two of them dropped down off the platform and onto the stopped gears below. As the two suicide shanks kept after them, the repeaters secured each corner of the platform, and the tracers were just about done charging their shots.
Right as they shot, Matthew ducked a few feet away in front of one of the shanks charging at him. The wire rifle shot managed to hit one of the grenades netted to it and blew it to smithereens. Saliks shot down the shank chasing him, however his gun arm was shot and he dropped his shock pistol to clutch his arm. While he was weakened, the repeater shanks took this opportunity to shoot at him.
Saliks barely managed to dodge, but this sent him over the edge of the gear he was standing on. He grabbed the ledge of it, but his hands were immediately shot, and he let go.
Just then Matthew grabbed Saliks’ hand, keeping him from the two-and-a-half-story drop to the bottom. Matthew looked behind him to see the tracer shanks charging their shots again. There was nowhere to go.
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