Really man he said if your 34 you start at 34 if your 26 u start a 26
No, he never said either of those things. He said whatever level you attained you start of with, and if you were a 26, "your good to go". That's not an answer. Sorry you may be right, you may be wrong. No definitive answer yet.....
He said theirs a buff to boost u to the level required to do the taken king stuff
Bro, the point is he didn't flat out say either of the main answers! So it could change, because if I were to look at it like you and assume things then I would also have to listen to what he said about developers still figuring out for sure what they were going to do with our levels carrying over.... This implies that it could change..... So I'll just wait till the drop before I invest in anything.
Yeah it's actually been said a couple of times that you start off where your armor is when the taken king is released so if your a 34 u start at 34 if you 27 you start at twenty seven they are basically saying that make sure you don't accidentally have the wrong armor on lol
Edited by CyclopsReapR: 8/7/2015 11:39:11 PMWill you please provide the link to this statement because if it's the interview with Deej Your referring to than that's not what he said, your assuming that if that is I fact your source. If not I would love to read this new info.
Honestly it was an article on yahoo I have to look for it
It is he clearly said it