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8/7/2015 7:02:40 AM
I'm ignorant because in my opinion people who pay streamers are stupid? Mmmhmm okay. You're obviously taking this thing to heart considering you've given me essay after essay explaining why my opinion is wrong and your opinion is fact. Why don't I go pay a hit man to murder someone for my entertainment huh, it's not stupid to give my money to someone like that because it's for my entertainment right? You've taken my OP and expanded upon it unnecessarily. You've brought it all this crap about what people spend their money on when the topic at hand was simply about donations for streamers. Honestly I can imagine you sweating while typing out these replies. Call me ignorant all you want, fact of the matter is its my opinion that people giving money to streamers is stupid, who are you to tell me my opinion is wrong and I'm ignorant. Your claims aren't necessarily fact either buddy. There are many forms of medium, but you're comparing legitimate professions to people who play games all day. I dislike sports l, they're boring to watch id never spend my money to watch them, it's my opinion. Key word [u]opinion[/u]. I dunno why you're so worked up over this, why waste you're time arguing with someone on a forum when you could be out wasting your money on forms of entertainment. Your beefy replies have entertained me and I didn't have to pay a cent. But seriously, you want me to admit that my opinion is wrong? No thanks, I stand by my claims, give me 100 more paragraphs your not gonna change my mind. What I honestly don't understand is why you're so into this topic, why is it you've gone out of your way to justify idiots spending their money on idiotic things. I'm sure being a streamer is grate, sit around play games while 12 year old throw you their allowance.

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