Lol alright man. So I can sense tension and what smells like jealously. Also slight hint of possible mental ineptitude. I'm just going to back away from your inability to comprehend rational thought, and mute you.
Also it's spelled "inaptitude" if your referring to unskillfulness; lack of dexterity. Think with your big boy brain, You chod!
There's the true streamer. Back out of any conflict, with a simple I will ban or mute this person. While cursing under your breath. Thank you for showing streamers true side.
Why do you even hate streaming? Its like hating a sport, its still gonna be played regardless, and just so you know streaming can be done as a hobby but i dont see it as a job.
Should we apply your view to murder and other crimes too? Y do you not like murder? It's going to happen any way. So people shouldn't even get arrested for it. I'm just trying raise awareness, that streaming is a problem in its current state.