originally posted in:Xx The Wolfpack xX PS3
Hi my psn ID is AlphaChaos21 and I am 14 I live in the USA. I have been playing destiny since I got the demo in may and upgraded in June. I share my account with my little brother who mainly plays the level 29 titan while I play the level 11 Hunter and we share the level 11 warlock. I work at McDonalds. Im big into helping and will do anything in my power to help my team mates if anyone needs help just tell me willing to help whenever possible to me
14!!!!!! Damn your Makin me feel old kid, guess I'll have to watch me language haha I'm 41 live in Australia, but I'm a Canadian by birth, I have 3 kids that can monopolize the Playstation, so careful talkin to me on that, message me through the app first I only have vanilla destiny at this point, so my participation in alot of stuff is limited by that