I know some of you arent smart enough to have spotted this implication, but basically, light levels are being done away with, and normal leveling will resume, this means, you will lose that 34, and start again at twenty when the new dlc releases.
So whats your reaction to that, and the fact all that hard work for gear to level up islost?
Im suspecting that is your face above considering you just figured it out.
I dont mind at all as i will be 40 by the end of day 1.
It is more fun. Because you have to work before you can do end game content.
I love the grind. I want to be back at lvl 20 and work my way up to lvl 40. This is a dream come true for me. I understand a lot of people won't like it but there will be a ton of new gear to be gained from the 20 lvls they will have to go through to get up to the top.
Not worried lol when the doc comes out I'll start at a 34 along with anybody who has a 34 already hahaha
What most people fail to realize is you've always been level 20. You were never lvl 34. Your armor boosted you but you were never actually lvl 34.
Smart enough haha looks who's talking.
You obviously didn't listen to the interview with deej. We will start at the lvl we are at.
Monster Hunter - old
Hate not having light lvls, but everything I agree -
Lol good joke. Best 1 today. Their not resetting existing guardians back to 20 lol. New players on the other hand gonna be screwed. Happy all my characters are at least 32.
You start at lvl 34
But your not. Dumb much?
Yet again someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, both light and level are going to be relevant
Good I always though lite level was stupid and even if it does make you 20 at least we will have something to do.
Edited by projectdoughnut: 8/7/2015 6:29:49 PMWell actually you won't because one of the employees over at game informer had his character imported to a dev build of the taken king and his character stayed at 34. So maybe you aren't smart enough to investigate something before stating it as fact.
I hope not [spoiler][i]somethings fishy[/i][/spoiler]
I'm very critical of this game (for good reason), but I believe this is false. There was a post by Charlemagne saying that if we are at 34 we stay at 34.
The whole system the mentor described looked poorly thought out and I can see a huge clusterfûck occurring.
Oh well.... Will play regardless
Charlemagne said we'd start at 34.
Ask bungie on here or on Twitter for a yes or no answer #level20or34 . Not a vague answer
Edited by GrimO_ORabbit: 8/7/2015 5:56:26 PM[b]Bungie[/b]: even if we lie, their money is already ours. Plus most of them stay No matter what we do. [b]Activision[/b]: [b]Emperor Palpatine Voice[/b] Good, very good, your learning.
U dismantled faebringer didnt you aww....
So some better research and get back to this thread.
Edited by OldManJenkins: 8/7/2015 5:46:35 PMActually it was confirmed by Luke that you start at 34 if you are 34
It has been said that you will be able to keep your current level. How this will be accomplished I don't know
Edited by mFn: 8/7/2015 5:44:47 PMI love when a bad troll post gets shut down when actual information arises. Good stuff.