The [b]Voidsummoner[/b]: Is a [u]nickname[/u] I gave to a [b]Voidwalker[/b] capable of unleashing grenades FASTER than most Sunsingers in Radiance! Scatterhorn EVERYWHERE haha (Scatter Grenade + Nothing Manacles). But how?!
It's all thanks to u/MalevolentFish for showing me how underrated Song of Flame is on Reddit.
The Video above breaks down charge times, setups, and the potential of these pairings, including Striker Titans that can BLIND enemies with an armada of grenades, over and over and over. A Voidwalker can throw a grenade ever [b]1.75 seconds[/b] under the effects of Energy Drain when paired with a Praxic Fire / Song of Flame Sunsinger.
It's [b]incredibly fun[/b], I highly recommend you try it :) Hope you love it. Remember, [u]don't knock it till you try it![/u] Yes, I know [b]Fireborn[/b] is amazing, but think of how long you hold onto that super, never using it throughout activities. Try it out in [u]normal strikes[/u] if you don't wanna give it up during [u]PoE / Raids / Nightfalls[/u].
I originally called this Voidsinging, but stuck with Voidsummoner.
Thank You for your time :) hope you enjoyed!
EDIT: Very, very happy with the feedback :')
This video took about 12 hours to edit. I always do my best for every upload. No Engram Openings / trailer uploads. Originality is what I aim for. Thank you for your time, have a great time Sun Singing!
In Preparation for [b]Taken King[/b], here's a [u]Crash Course[/u] breakdown of [u]weapon mechanics[/u] so you can figure out what [u]New Perks to aim for[/u] in the Expansion: [b]Accuracy / Stability / Aim Assist / Target Acquisition / Hitscan / Recoil (Directional and Muzzle Climb)[/b]: [url][/url]
It's not practical in trials Which is what I mostly play now
Definitely gonna focus more on stuff like this. It'll make the game a lot more interesting. Thanks for this, now I have a reason to use song of flame, and/or use my voidwalker subclass more often.
Lol this is awesome!
That's amazing teamwork and makes the game look fun
I don't enjoy dying so I figure why use fire born when I can just use radiant skin and apotheosis veil in panic situations.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[i]Impying anybody cares about teamwork or fun when their KD is on the line.[/i] -
Or you could do 3 sunsingers with heart of the praxic fire, while two have song of flame on, and they all have fusion nades. Should be able to spam down a boss.
I'm gonna try this. It seems extremely promising!
Holy shit
Whenever i use song of flame everyone on my team just completely ignores it haha
Doesn't matter how much you show the Tarded Sunsingers...they will STILL run strikes, prison of elders, Vault of Glass hard mode, and crota hard and hold their super the entire time until they die. Trust me...For 6 months I've tried to teach my brother to stop holding his super and hes just now understanding what its like to share orbs. Getting a sunsinger to even understand to run Touch of flame almost never happens. I usually main Radiant skin and get ridiculed for not having self rez...except with radiant skin I can make my 9 orbs basically every super, and I'm doing that every few minutes. The other teammates just grab the orbs and hold a super and do nothing with it. Trust me, so many people that play this game are horrible and they just sit there holding supers in PVE. PVP people tend to use them religious and at horrible times, but at least they use them.
Song of Flame is severely underused. It's a shame, because your post/this video is correct: it completely alters your entire team, if used well!
I used it. My team did not turn into transformers. ----- hairflip
I always thought song of flame was underrated Problem is you need pretty good coordination to make the most of it (I guess that's not really a "problem" haha) self rez too gud
I just run voidwalker w/ obsidian mind and bad juju.
I was always telling people how great song of flame was. And got shit for it. Glad some other people can see this finally.
I was thinking of this for Trials. Seems like a pretty decent strategy for waiting until the cap zone spawns. I don't think anything could live through that.
Lol Radiance? Radiant skin is where it's at :/