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7/11/2015 4:56:38 AM

Problem with Bungie pachers

Now, I looked around these forms, albeit not thoroughly just skimmed so please correct me if I'm wrong, and I haven't seen anyone talk about how auto rifles where nerfed, again just skimmed, all because of one to three? Two? How many where used, namely the Suros Regime, and the patchers thought it was a wonder full idea to nerf auto rifles not once, but twice, and not in PvP, oh no because heaven forbid that the people who made the [i]"Balance Patch"[/i] actually wanted us to have fun, they also nerfed [b]ALL[/b] auto rifles in PvE as well. Now, backing up here I just have to ask, what in the ever burning hell where you thinking Bungie? You made the most stupid decision to nerf auto rifles in PvE, I mean have you even played your own game? It takes forever just to kill a strike/raid boss, and you have gear that upgrades the ammo capacity and reload speed for them, and if someones is like me, and I know there are, they are going to use auto rifles just so they can get the most out of said gear,, *cough*the gear the vanguard warlock, hunter, and titan give you*cough*, and the fact you call this balanced appalls me. Now I know you can patch PvP and PvE separately, you did so with shotguns lowering the range in both PvP and PvE, a dumb move when you look from the PvE stand point as in the higher level strikes/raids you die extremely fast if your not in cover or you get to close to an enemy, but you gave a 100% increace to their damage in PvE only. Which makes me ask, if you can seporatr PvE from PvP then why don't you? It make's me think if you forgot how Destiny plays, the two combat systems are like night and day. There should be a link taking those who read this to a video by Kackis HD, hopefully spelled that right, about his views on it and how to fix it. Now I love Destiny, I really do, but with some of the patches and some of the missing elements, i.e. player trading, an actual loot system, or no B.S. RNG (there's a video on youtube, can't remember the user or video name sadly, about it and how RNG is meant for a game with PLAYER TRADING.), if ether one of these happen, NOT BOTH, then I think it would remove borderlands in bring my favorite game, but only if this stuff is fixed. If this isn't fixed then, to the people who do all the patches for Destiny, nerf everything related to the warlock, I -blam!-ing dare you. (I apologize about cursing, I just want this to be fixed, I mean the first gun in the entire game is an auto rifle. With one more nerf a new player, or a player who's benn around for a while is making a new character, may not be able to beat the first area. And I main a warlock, for those who don't know main it a League of Legends term for a champion/class/character a player uses frequently or all the time, and I would be extremely pissed if that happens to the point of sending a very colorful email to Bungie's CEO. And again I only skimmed though some of the form posts so I deeply apologize for most likely repeating something someone else has already said, plus if Bungie already fixed this issue and I'm ranting for no reason then I am both sorry for this and deeply embarrassed as I ask you to forget ever reading this.)

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